Chapter 1: Invertions

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6 years ago

I love being a child I really do. My Mother is really wise and kind. My father is really strong and has done a lot for me. I especially love my uncle however he has taken me on multiple adventures. Those were fun! School is the best although I don't really have friends. A cute girl keeps staring at me though! I am so exited for what the future has to hold for me.

Present time

Of course this is what I would have said when I was a child. Now my life is literal hell. My father has gone missing, my uncle hasn't come back from his recent expedition, and my mother hasn't told me anything about them. School is ok I guess I still have no friends. The relationship between that girl and I have gotten awkward since we were little. And these voices they can't get out of my head I don't know how to describe it its nor loud nor quiet. Its just there. Yes I have seen a therapist about this and even with the current alchemy abilities in this village they are still there. Today was normal I went to school helped others farm grassash to brew potions and come home to see my uncle of all people. Words can't believe how shocked I am for once I feel happy. "Long time no see Norka." I ran over to Uncle Ethan and we did our clasic handshake. Then we all got to reunite. Mom, Uncle, and I had a nice chat and we all caught up. Then suddenly a shriek comes from my mind and I wince in agony. Suddenly we get a knock at the door. My mom answers and she suddenly seems worried. I knew my mom was always ready for something. She was part of the  guards and warriors post of the village. But this seemed urgent. She grabbed her staff gave me a kiss and ran out the door. I then run outside to see the guards fly off using the mobility of mom's steam. This semed urgent but I wasn't worried besides I would get to reunite with Uncle Ethan. We both sat down and he told me about some of his adventures. He told me about his very best friend who had died but he saved the world. Wow he must be some hero. We both then descided to call it a night. Tomorrow was the second to last day of school and boy was I exited. 

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