Chapter 5 / Don't pass out

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The trolls were curious to know what was coming next and how they would find a quick way to build a time machine, since the branch took months to make one

Branch: well, I know there is a lot more technology now, but still, do you think it is possible to build another time machine in a short time?

Trollex F: it is not an easy task, but it is not impossible

Poppy: after all, what help is needed?

The Trollex of the future turns its head and gives a slight smile

Trollex F: okay, come on
*The Trollex F clicks a button connected to your headset and light waves form around the trolls*

Barb: no, again!

Trollex: what's going on!

Gradually, the environment where the trolls were, begins to change

Trollex F: and here we are!
*Trollex F used teleportation together so that everyone could go to the same place together*

Within seconds, the trolls went to a place where they could see brilliant mountains and several classic trolls following their daily lives, but also training their flight and some doing guard work

Trollzart: Symphonyville! Even more beautiful than before!

Delta: really, probably all the places in the troll realm must have changed

Trollex F: Certainly, but we did not come here to admire the landscape, but to call a dear friend who will know how to help...
*again Trollex F clicks the button on your headset, which makes a digital symbol appear in front of you, representing a classic troll, and with that click on the symbol*

Somewhere in Symphonyville, there was a group of classic trolls training to fly, and in front of everyone a guide, who wore a conductor's coat, in addition to having a mustache, had part of his hair tied up and glasses made for flight training, and while guiding the group of trolls, he realizes that the watch on his wrist starts to beep in blue, which means that he is being called by one of the tribal leaders, which was the Trollex F, quickly the classic troll calls one of the trolls of the group to serve as a substitute guide and, obviously, you should already know who the classic troll is

Somewhere in Symphonyville, there was a group of classic trolls training to fly, and in front of everyone a guide, who wore a conductor's coat, in addition to having a mustache, had part of his hair tied up and glasses made for flight training, an...

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Trollzart F: Dante! Come on ahead and help train the group, I will go out and solve a problem with King Trollex!

Dante F: yes sir

Trollzart of the future leaves the group and Dante takes his place, and he quickly moves towards the Trollex of the future

The trolls soon see a classic troll approaching, Trollzart is curious to know who it was

Trollzart F: *removes training glasses*
-So what's the problem?

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