Chapter 11 / Explaining the bad side (Part 2, Final)

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The trolls continued their normal lives, all the time dancing and singing, besides the tribes being together, until... something invaded everything, everything was dark and without lights, not even the light of the trolls helped, no strange beings entered the kingdom, somehow caused a great catastrophe... the trolls started to worry about it, everything was repeated in a few months, even two years later... the first real attack happened

Wani F: nobody expected to have to fight... but it was necessary

For the first time, trolls found the people behind it, called Wenshats, who look little like trolls, some were half the size of trolls, others the same size, while others were twice as many, many were between 1, 2 or 3 eyes and arms! their colors were somber, hair like shadows, in addition to several pointed teeth and ears, the Wenshats sought to dominate the troll kingdom, as they are selfish creatures, who are always after beings with great territories and kindness
And the trolls were the ideal creatures for them to attack, and so they did, but the trolls couldn't just do anything, many tried to settle in a more peaceful way, tried to talk to the wenshats, but the wenshats didn't want to know, they just they wanted to fight and fight more and more, even if the trolls kept trying not to attack, even trying to force some wenshat to listen to them, it was no use... some trolls were seriously injured, all this lasted a long time, until a decision was finally taken once and for all

Tresillo F: the leaders, they couldn't stand to see the tribes suffer anymore, so they only had one last way out...

Each leader raises his hand with an object that represents himself, Trident, Wand, Whip, Bracelets, Sword and a Watering Can, it was decided that the trolls would fight, and so it was done, most of the troll routine was replaced by different types of training, according to the activities divided among the leaders, a quick scene shows one by one
Trollex working on technological advances, Trollzart training flight and wand skills, Delta using his strength for different activities, the Funk family passing the crown to Darnell and Cooper, who then work on experiments, Barb walking with a big burning sword seeing shelters being built underground, Poppy was watering flowers in silence and spreading them across his realm, so the quickest flashback that passes almost discreetly, Branch, was looking outside the troll realm

Wani F: now... every day, each troll struggles to stand

In the first attack, the trolls almost lost, many losses fell to the trolls, but even after all, they will still stand firm, each troll, trying their best.
after the first attack, the side outside the troll realm was covered by large, strange, dark trees, and no troll ventured to enter there... except one

Tresillo F: this troll... has never been seen again

The leaders just looked with open mouth, did not know if they were terrified or extremely surprised

Poppy: ...a moment... who was the troll?

Wessi and Tailor lift their heads and look at their parents, who exchange looks

Tresillo F: w-we... we don't know

Wessi and Tailor looked confused, Branch was a little suspicious about it

Wani F: We only know that after a troll disappeared, everything got worse...

The first attack on the troll system happened

Nobody knew who was behind the attacks, so the anonymous was called, Dr. Hencker, and the trolls could not leak important information to him, such as his fighting strategies, materials used to build troll weapons, structures advanced machines
But Dr. Hencker, not only wanted this, he wanted to make the trolls waste time, and interrupt their servers, invading the system, he could control the troll equipment, and cause major defects
Even with the trolls trying to stop him, it was almost useless, Dr. Hencker was the greatest hacker of all, his skills were extremely strong, to stop, the help of dozens of trolls was necessary, including from tribal leaders

Wessi: it was all so difficult, mainly because we were born at that time

Tailor: it's true! We witnessed the second attack

About 7 years ago, the wenshats attacked for the second time, but they were even stronger...
The Trolls were also, despite years of work, the efforts were rewarded, the technology of the trolls was already deeply advanced, the skills of the trolls were high, along with their strength, their equipment was of the highest quality, so this time, the trolls could finally end it all
unfortunately... the wenshats also had high technology, their battle skills were high, in addition to their high aggressiveness, despite that, they could not remain united, and their population was smaller than that of trolls, which would facilitate troll victory but even during the battle, Dr. Hencker... can once again invade the troll equipment system, causing several of them to retreat, giving the wenshats a chance to pass, many trolls start to retreat, the wenshats were destroying everything, were close to their victory...


There was a flash, a big explosion like a rainbow, the beat of each musical style of the main tribes came out, which covered the whole kingdom, like a big flash, and pushed all the wenshats out of the troll kingdom, saving the trolls, and brought the end of the second attack

Again, the leaders gaped, without saying a word, they were more impressed by the mysterious explosion that saved the Trolls

Poppy: ...e-explosion?... like that, out of nowhere!

Barb: saved the trolls from the second attack?

Trollex: if it helped the Trolls, why are still working to fight?!

Trollzart: magnificent and scary

Wani F: is that... Even after the second attack, the system continued to be invaded, we knew that at one time or another, the wenshats could attack again, so we kept working

Delta: and again the part outside the Kingdom, was suddenly covered?

Wessi: ...yeah...

Essence: Dr. Hencker ever appear during the war?

Quincy: no one knew the cause of the explosion?

Tresillo F: we don't really know that

Branch: how so?

Tresillo F: well...

Wani F: let's continue the way, how about? We have already spoken beyond what is necessary

The leaders, though impressed! frightened, curious... agree and continue, but Branch had the slight impression that there was a lie in the middle of everything

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