Chapter 12 / Queen of Darkness

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Continuing on to Volcano Rock City, the trolls were almost there, but they started to notice something wrong

Poppy: *looks up*
-guys?... don't you think the weather is strange?

Trolls also look up and notice that the clouds were turning gray and darker

Wani F: don't worry, it's getting like this because we're getting closer to Volcano Rock City

Barb: I know the clouds that form there, and I can say that they are not quite like that and...

The lightning almost fell on the trolls! which scares them, and they run away quickly


Trolls without thinking twice run as fast as possible, and with each step you hear lightning, the clouds get bigger and bigger, forming large wind waves, making it difficult for trolls to see, who have difficulty seeing the way

Poppy: What are we going to do now! *Poppy says covering the eyes of the great wind*

Voice: do not fear!!!

Branch: what was that?!

The clouds start to move even more, coming together and gradually forming a figure...

Cloud guy F: it was me! who else?  *Cloud guy F started laughing*

The trolls are relieved for a second, but they're also angry at the Cloud guy F joke, especially Branch

Poppy: Cloud guy! want to make us have an attack???

Cloud guy F: I'm sorry, I couldn't resist, and it was a more fun way to get your attention to meet my family!

Branch: how is it?!
*Branch crosses his arms*

Cloud guy F: FAMILY, MAY COME!

Several Clouds appear, and some younger ones jump over the trolls

Cloud guy F: so adorable!
*Cloud guy F wipes away a tear*

Wani F: Cloud guy! this by chance is time to appear???

Cloud guy F: oooh! I couldn't miss the opportunity to introduce the leaders of the past to my family!

Branch: you meant introducing us to your family!
*Branch tries to break free from a Cloud baby*

Cloud guy F: Exactly! and these are my grandchildren... Cloud Tine!
*Cloud Tine was playing on his back at Delta, and Delta didn't seem to like anything*
-Tooth Cloud
*Tooth Clooth was biting the tail of the Trollex*

Trollex: Ouch! how can a cloud have sharp tooth???

Cloud guy F: Cloud Lilo and Cloud Lila!
*Cloud Lilo and Cloud Lila were braiding Quincy and Essence hair*
-Cloud Grabs!
*Cloud Grabs if grabs in Barb, Barb was getting more and more angry*
-Cloud Flat!
*Cloud Flat was playing with Trollzart's wings*

Trollzart: Hey!
*Trollzart flies to the corner, but Cloud Flat goes after*

Cloud Guy F: Cloud Fluffly!
*Cloud Fluffly was in Poppy lap in silence, and Poppy ends up liking it and finding it cute*

Cloud guy F: and... Giggle!
*Giggle disturbed Branch madly while he laughed*

Branch: the worst of them doesn't even have a cloud in the name!

Cloud guy F: also, my children! Cloud Smiling!
*Cloud Smiling beckons happily*
-Cloud Boredom!
*Cloud Boredom waves slightly with a cold expression*
-Cloud Sulky
*Cloud Sulky was ringing his cell phone and didn't wave*
-of course... finally, my dear wife! Cloud girl!
*The Cloud Janet approaches*

Cloud Janet: Hey!

The trolls were just trying to break free of the little clouds and Poppy stroking the Cloud Fluffy...

Cloud guy F: what a thrill!
*Cloud guy F hugs your wife and wipes away more tears*

Branch couldn't stand it, managed to get rid of Laughing and went to Cloud guy F

Branch: CLOUD GUY! you're wasting our time! we need to get to the Kingdom of Rock!

Cloud guy F: sorry there stressed, but my family and I saw them from heaven, and we had to come here!

Sulky cloud: ...I didn't even want to be here...

Branch: ok, now you saw it! You can go!

Cloud guy F: no, let's take you to the Kingdom of Rock!

Branch: WHAT?

Cloud guy F: everyone! take the trolls to Volcano Rock City!

Branch: wait, Cloud guy! NOOooOo! *Branch is picked up by Cloud guy F*

The Clouds form and take trolls, taking them up high

Trollzart: hey! I can fly!
*The Clouds carry Trollzart anyway*

Wani F and Tresillo F: wait, we don't! *The clouds catch Wani and Tresillo F anyway, with their children*

Cloud guy F: we are here! Fast right?

The clouds quickly took trolls to Volcano Rock City, and left them near the borders of the kingdom of Rock

Cloud guy F: everyone saying goodbye!

The little clouds happily say goodbye to the trolls, and the whole cloud family soon leaves

Cloud guy F: Oooh, I was forgetting! it is quite obvious that those clouds over there are not us!
*Cloud guy F points to big storm clouds coming to the trolls*

The trolls don't understand very well, so they turn around and see the big black clouds coming towards them

Cloud guy F: well... now bye! It was great to see them! mainly you Branch! *If the cloud guy F leaves, Branch is relieved and at the same time a little confused*

Poppy: ...Barb... these clouds are from here, right?

Barb: no, they are not!

The big storm clouds were getting closer and closer, releasing great rays, But they don't hit the trolls, the wind gets extremely strong, causing the trolls to become unbalanced

Wani F: oh no! we will!

Tresillo F: quick! we have to go!

Wani and Tresillo F together with their children leave the Kingdom of Rock quickly

Poppy: Hey! where are they going ?!

Branch: never mind, look!
*Branch points to something strange, coming out of the clouds*

This makes the trolls curious, it was quickly approaching the trolls, every second, you could see better what it was

Quincy: looks like a...

Essence: Chariot?

A Rock style Chariot, driven by several bats, came out of the clouds, and landed beside the trolls, at the same moment, the storm calmed down, and near the Chariot, a dark smoke was emitted, the trolls just watched impressed and curious, especially Barb
...suddenly, a door opens, and then a troll came out, head down...

Voice: Who dares, come here...
*Lift your head to reveal your face*

Barb F: without warning, the Queen
Of Darkness!

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