Chapter 17 / You are your enemy

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Back at the Palace on the Crystalline tree, The Poppy of the Future reveals itself, approaching its past self

Poppy F: where to start... Look, I'm you, you're me, but from different times, it makes our personalities different even though they are the same

Poppy: what does that mean? What has to do with what is happening now!

Poppy F: What do I mean... Is that your reaction can be spontaneous

Poppy: about?

Poppy F: *take a deep breath*
-a few years before wenshats appeared in the troll kingdom

Everything was Music everywhere, even with some small problems, Harmony reigns Everything, with each leader following his role, with each troll following his life, but... Not everyone

Branch, still boyfriend of Poppy, but more and more, Poppy walked away, with duties, the majority of them, partying and celebrating, Branch struggled to get closer, to make their relationship close, Poppy listened to him, she was a good one listener, but even listening, he could not always answer, even so, Branch remained firm, even though he was away at the same time... being isolated from everyone, Until the wenshats came

In the beginning, the trolls tried to harmonize with them, but they only fail


Sometime before the second attack of the wenshats, the leaders were gathered in Vila Pop to finally make a decision

Barb F: I can't take it anymore, we need to go to the fight!

Delta F: this is not fair!  They attack and attack, and we are left without defending ourselves??? If they don't want to listen to us, then we will have to fight back!

Trollex F: I hate to have to agree, because I don't fully support this decision, but we need to be realistic, this is our best way out

Darnell F: that's right, we need to decide soon

Cooper F: I think we already know the best choice...

Trollzart F: we just need the support of one more us, Poppy?

Everyone stares at the poppy, who was confused, concerned, and undecided on what to say, but she knew she had no other option.

Poppy F: the other leaders... They wanted to fight, all of them, except me... I didn't want to ruin the life of any being, but if I didn't have to agree with that... The life of the trolls would be taken, perhaps that place, would be a place of dense darkness

Poppy: so... I heard this already, but that part is not so detailed

Poppy F: However, after that, outside the troll kingdom, A valley arose, the Valley of dense Darkness, where no troll dared to risk entering, none, except...

The scene leaves for Branch, walking a little distressed, confused... Right behind him, Yourself, from the future

Branch F, wore large glasses over his head, with an open long-sleeved blouse, and long pants too, both with details of pointed diamonds, also a belt of dark leaves and little beard, his ears were a little pointed, messy hair, his look was a little weird for a troll, the thing that most caught Branch attention from the past, was that his self, had diamond-shaped pupils, but he tried not to focus on that

Trolls Battle FutureOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant