Chapter 13 / Courage or Coward

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Barb from the Future had a little longer hair, the front was sideways, after shorter to longer, her lashes were longer, she wore 3 earrings in each ear, gold and silver, and her outfit was a jacket with some spines, next to her belt that gives more details, and she wore shorts with the right side torn, and in the torn part she still wore fishnet stockings, and two rock leggings on each leg

Barb from the Future had a little longer hair, the front was sideways, after shorter to longer, her lashes were longer, she wore 3 earrings in each ear, gold and silver, and her outfit was a jacket with some spines, next to her belt that gives mor...

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Barb F immediately realizes who are trolls who were in front of her

Barb F: wait...
*Look at the trolls*
-oh, I think I'm starting to understand what happened...

Trolls just look at each other

Barb F: one second!
*Barb F takes a skull-shaped control out of her jacket pocket when she clicks it, a quick scan of messages from the other future leaders, which scares her and the trolls, and Barb F quickly turns off the device*
-yeahhh... ok, listen small apprentice leaders! I will not get involved in your stupid problems!

The leaders are a little shocked, especially Barb

Barb F: you guys got into it, I have more to do than guide a group of trolls who don't know how to conduct themselves!

The group is extremely offended

Barb F: the same way you got here... you can leave! went!
*Barb F turns around*

The trolls of the past seemed unanswered, but Barb... tries to prevent

Barb: I'm wrong!

Barb F stops for a second

Barb F: who... said... that...

Barb: me, or rather, you!

Barb F was still on his back and turned slowly, and just looked at himself with raised eyebrows next to a cold expression

Barb: I must know very well that... I am part of the "trolls that don't know how to conduct themselves" because, I said that myself! It is not?

Barb F just kept looking each time with a tone of tension

Barb: and by chance... I shouldn't be involved in so many problems... that I'm already involved! Besides a hypocrite...

Barb F looked closely at her waiting for an answer, while the leaders watched the scene in shock.

Barb: I am one, COWARD! In not wanting to help in something that is necessary! And don't set an example that I didn't set before!

The leaders are surprised and impressed by Barb response, and Barb F lowers his head and walks slowly over to him, leaning in front of him

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