Chapter 22 / What do you Represent

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Poppy: W-what happened! What happened to you!!! With us!

Poppy F.W: Oooh... Mini Poppy, everything will finally end

Trollzart F.W: because there is no more Hope to have!

Delta F.W: there is no one else to do justice!

Trollex F.W: let's end it all, the base of Hatred!

Darnell F.W: showing Contempt!!!

Cooper F.W: like you're good at this!

Darnell F.W: What do you mean by that!?

Cooper F.W: that you suck at everything!!!

Darnell F.W: how is it???... you shouldn't even have existed!!!

Cooper F.W: the same for you!!!

Darnell and Cooper F.W continue to argue, Their parents from the past just looked on with more anguish

Poppy F.W: ENOUGH!!!

Darnell and Cooper F.W stop

Poppy F.W: where is Barb...

In the corner, Barb F.W was curled up shaking

Barb F.W: I'm n-not going anywhere!!! N-nobody is going to get me out of here!!!

Trollex F.W: you better come... OR YOU WILL KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN!!!
*Trollex F.W cast an angry look, making Barb F.W even more scared*

Trollzart F.W: that!!! Make everyone even more scared, so they won't have positive expectations!

Darnell F.W: why? Can't you do this alone? grain of shine without beauty!!!

Cooper F.W: so weak he needs another one to do his job!!!

Darnell and Cooper F.W started to laugh, leaving Trollzart F.W stressed out

Trollzart F.W: alright! Your words make me even more desperate and... HEY!
*Delta F.W was trying to get the stick from Trollzart F.W*

Delta F.W: IT'S MINE!

Trollzart F.W: you have your weapons!!!

Delta F.W: and you, you will be without!
*Delta F.W manages to grab the Stick from Trollzart F.W*

Trollzart F.W just crosses his arms

Trollex F.W: idiots...

The Leaders F.W continued to spread disharmony among themselves, while their selves from the past just looked on in horror without understanding what caused everything

Trollex: This is horrible!

Trollzart: there is no reason to act like that out of nowhere!!!

Branch: not that...

Barb: what?

Branch: we arrived, late

Poppy: What do you mean, Branch? Do you know what happened

Branch: it's too late! We're late, and it's all the fault...

Delta: NO!

Branch gets scared

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