Chapter 24 / Save Yourself, Delta Dawn (Part 3)

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Delta: this is what I will see!

Delta F.W: Go ahead!!!
*Delta F.W advances with his whip*

Delta manages to grab it

Delta: Haha!

Delta F.W: how foolish I am...

Delta gets Confused

Delta F.W pulls the whip hard

Wrapping Delta in it, approaching Delta F.W

Delta F.W: I will destroy everything in this place... And in the end, me!
*Delta F.W loosens his past self strongly, dropping it from the whip*

Hickory F: Delta!

Hickory F quickly approaches the delta, but she gets up

Delta: Get away! It is not fair for someone to fix a mistake of mine!

Hickory F: what? I also made mistakes and it was you who helped me up!

Delta looks at Hickory F

Hickory F: We are stronger when we put our hands together!
*Hickory F Give your hand to Delta*

Delta looks for a few seconds, but then smiles and puts his hands together

Grandhie: yeah!!!
*Grandhie came out from under Hickory F's hat*

Delta: Wow!

Grandhie: I didn't know that Mom wore her hair down!

Hickory F: well, she's magnificent anyway

Delta: Oh... So this is what I hope for in the future! Despite everything... It will be worth it!

Grandhie is delighted with the lines
But right behind

Delta F.W: How disturbing!

The moment is interrupted

Delta F.W: this is so syrupy!
*Delta F.W twirls his whip and tries to hit his past self *

Hickory F: I will not allow it!
*Hickory steps forward and grips the whip tightly*

Delta F.W: You know this is not going to work!
*Delta F.W pulls the whip back*

Hickory F was managing to contain his strength, but eventually his strength would end

Grandhie is afraid of everything around her, Delta picks her up

Delta: don't worry, I promise to make things right!

Grandhie: I know...

Delta runs close to the houses in Lonesome Flats, where several trolls were still looking in fear
so Clamper F comes and approaches

Clampers F: aunt Delta! I felt the whole earthquake! What's happening?

Delta: there's no time to explain! Take your cousin!
*Delta gives Grandhie for Clampers F*
-and take the trolls to a safer place!

Clampers F seeing that the situation is serious, does exactly what his aunt asked

Delta: I have a score to settle!
*Delta removes the banjo she kept in her hair and heads for Hickory F*

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