Chapter 10 / Captured at the borders

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Branch was in a deep sleep, and in the background, the voices of the leaders could be heard, gradually each voice grew louder for Branch

Essence: Watch out!!! *Essence is captured*

Quincy: Essence! *Quincy is captured*

Trollzart: this not! *Trollzart is captured*

Delta: Hey! drop me- *Delta is captured*

Trollex: hey man, what is this?! ouooo *Trollex is captured*

Barb: Branch!!!

Poppy: Branch! need to wake up!

Branch was still sound asleep, but beginning to move

Barb: Dude! WHICH IS! *Barb is captured*

Poppy: not that! Branch!

...Branch still sleeping...

Poppy: BRANCH, WAKE UP NOW!!! *Poppy screams so loudly that Branch finally wakes up in shock*

Branch: OUO, WHAT! WHERE? WHEN?! *Looks at the Poppy that was being pulled*

Branch: POPPY!!!

Poppy: Branch! help-
*Poppy is pulled by the forest and disappears*

Branch: OH NO, POPPY!!! *Branch without thinking enters the undergrowth behind Poppy*


Poppy: Branch!

Branch: I see nothing! *Branch could only hear Poppy voice, and tried his best to guess where she and the leaders were being taken*

Branch: Poppy, POPPY! *Branch was no longer listening to Poppy voice*
-oh no!

Branch: *arrives in a strange area, with a bright appearance and colors of nature*
-Poppy! can you still hear me? where are you and the other leaders?!

Voice 1: no one will hear you!

Branch: what?!

Voice 2: only we can hear you!

Branch: whoever is there, show up!

Everything is silent for a moment, Branch was aware of what could happen, but then a rope grabs Branch

Branch: HEY!!!
*Branch was tied upside down in the center of the site*
-WHAT IS IT! get me out of here! *Branch tries to break free, but there's no use*

Voice 1 and 2: *laughs*

Branch: are you finding it funny??? let's see who will laugh when I get out of here and get them! *Branch tries to break free again, but it's useless again*

In front of the Branch, from the shadows begin to appear, gradually, appearing two trolls

Branch: *stop trying to get loose, and pay attention to the silhouettes of the trolls that were in the place*

Voices 1 and 2: we are... *The trolls reveal themselves*
-the brothers of k-pop and Reggaeton!
*The twin brother and sister cross their arms and smile with pride as they perform*

Wessi: I am Wessi!

Tailor: I am Tailor!

Wessi and Tailor: we are k-pop and reggaeton trolls!

Wessi: but I'm 75% k-pop and 25% Reggaeton!

Tailor: and I'm 75% Reggaeton and 25% k-pop!

Wessi and Tailor are a pair of twins, both had the same hair color, and bangs on the side, Wessi to the right side, and her hair was more k-pop style, and Tailor to the left side, with her hair being tied up more in the reggaeton style, and they also had light cyan skin, blue eyes, the same clothes, their clothes were similar to the k-pop gang, except that Wessi wore striped shorts together, while Tailor wore striped manga up to half the arm and green lashes, and of course, they both had some stripes on their skins

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