Chapter 25 / Here again

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Back in the Pop village, Poppy, past and future were facing each other, Poppy F.W kept trying to capture Poppy's past with his roots

Poppy F.W: Be quiet so I can capture you!!!

Poppy: Do you really think i'm so silly? Well, if you think about your current attitudes, I really think I'm a silly!

Poppy F.W is furious with the answer, then waters the ground again, Making more roots sprout, Poppy tries again to dodge using her hair and climb tree trunks, but accidentally misses a step and falls off the tree, getting caught by one of the roots of Poppy F.W

Poppy: hey! Let me go!!!

Poppy F.W: Do you really think i'm so silly as to let you go?!
*Poppy F.W laughs evilly*

Poppy from the past gets scared, tries to let go, but the roots were too strong

Poppy F.W: It's useless to try!! You will get weaker and weaker! Much weaker!!!
*Poppy F.W begins to use the roots to suck energy from the Poppy of the past, causing it to weaken more and more*

Poppy was already running out of strength, and she had no one to help her,
But suddenly Poppy F.W starts to hear some screams coming from far away

Poppy F.W: hm? what sound is this?!
*When Poppy F.W looks in the direction where the screams were coming from, he gets scared, and realizes they were...*

Delta and Delta F: GET OUT OF THE FRONT!!!

Delta and Delta F crash into Poppy F.W, causing her to lose control of the roots, freeing Poppy

Delta: Seriously, Who had the idea of ​​using catapults if there are a lot of teleports!

Delta F: it's customary for us country Trolls

Delta: But classic trolls don't use teleports either!

Delta F: Because they have wings and are always practicing their flights!

Delta from the past was going to say something but give up

Delta: oh... alright it's true

Delta soon looks to the side and sees Poppy lying weakly on the ground

Delta: Poppy!!!
*Delta helps Poppy along with Delta F*
-Oh, Dear! What happened???

Poppy starts to open her eyes slowly, looks at Delta for a few seconds, but something else catches her eye, she sees Poppy F.W getting up, furious and about to attack again, then screams quickly

*Poppy points to Poppy F.W*

Delta and Delta F look, and they don't know what to do, but even before Poppy F.W attacks... A glow starts to appear in front of her, she is confused and suddenly...
The glow increases, causing an explosion!
Making Poppy F.W fall again, and coming out of the explosion... Trollzart and Trollzart F!
But they didn't look in perfect condition, they both looked like they'd been hit by lightning

Trollzart: I think I understand now, because y-you don't use stronger spells!

Trollzart F: Y-yes!

Poppy, Delta and Delta F smile when they see Trollzart and Trollzart F, and go to them, but before they say anything

A light shines beside them, they are scared for a moment, but this time, out of the light, comes the funk family! Quincy and Essence of the Past, Darnell F and Cooper F

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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