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Jasper's P.O.V.

I can still feel the bond with Isabella but it is not nearly as strong as it was. I can't look at her because I know that if I do I will break down right here right now and I'll eject my emotions onto everyone else. They need me to take their pain away and I am going to do that for them. I know Rosalie is dying to know what is going on with me but she is just going to have to wait until I am ready to tell her.

Isabella is strong and I know that she will come back to us. The real question though is when will she come back to us. Nobody has ever been changed into a vampire that was in as bad of a shape as she is. We were all changed when we were dying yes but we all weighed at least the proper weight that we were supposed to weigh. She only weighs in her seventies so that is the scary part. Another scary part is that she has been abused more than any of us have and I think that this is all on her part whether or not she wants to live. For her that will take a good while to decide I am afraid but I can't blame her. We didn't get to explain anything about our way of living to her before this happened to her. She probably thinks that when she wakes up that she will still be that weak human and that would keep anyone away in all reality.

"How about we all go out and take a hunt. I will stay here and keep an eye on her. Rosalie you really need a hunt and Kate I am sure you do as well. I promise that if anything changes I will call you guys immediately." I tell them.

"That's a good idea." Carlisle says and then one by one everyone leaves the room to just the two of us.

I slowly walk up to the bed and sit down besides her. I grab her hand and hold it in my two hands.

"Oh Isabella I wish this hadn't of happened to you. I know that you don't want to come back to us but please do. Rosalie and Kate both really need you and I am afraid that if you don't come back that they will not make it themselves. Heck I need you Isabella. I am not ready to lose you either so if you can hear me you better start fighting for your life." I tell her before I let go of her hands and grab a chair to sit down in.

Two Weeks Later...

It's been two weeks and there is no improvement from her mentally wise. Her body has completed the change and is ready for her new life. Mentally though there are no signs that anything has changed or that there is anyone up there anymore. Everyone is slowly starting to accept that we lost her except for Kate, Rosalie, and myself. I know that she is still there because our bond is still there barely. I spend most of my time in here with her when Kate and Rosalie don't mind it. I want her to know that I have not gave up on her. She deserves us here fighting with her.

Rosalie's P.O.V.

Well it has been two weeks and I have not ate since that day Jasper told us to. I can't stand to leave her because I am afraid that I will miss something. Kate is the same way. Really we haven't gotten to know each other any more now that Isabella has been laying here. We just kind of put our lives on pause for her and I am okay with that. Jasper has been really a blessing for us as well. While everyone else is starting to accept that we may have lost her Jasper stays here with us and tells us that she's still in there. He told us about the bond that they share and all of that good stuff so I still have faith that she is going to pull through this.

I am currently holding her hand and that is when I feel a twitch. I immediately stand up and Jasper calls for the family to come in. They all come rushing into the room and surround us.

"Carlisle I felt a twitch." I tell him.

"Rosalie I am sorry but she still isn't moving. I think you are making it up in your head." He tells me.

"I am not making this up Carlisle. Her hand twitched in my hand and I know it. You can ask Jasper. He would be able to tell if I was lying to you or not." I defend myself.

"She's telling the truth. Isabella's hand did twitch." Jasper says.

Carlisle gets closer to us and then we all hear a faint heartbeat. This cannot be happening though.

"What the hell was that Carlisle?" Edward asks. I guess he heard it too.

Carlisle quickly gets a stethoscope and puts it to her chest and then he listens closely. We all hear another beat that is stronger than the last one and we all jump back.

"This can't be happening. She has been changed into a vampire but her heart is starting to work again as well as her lungs." He says. "I have never seen or heard of this happening before."

He leans up and looks at her eyes and then he opens an eye lid and we all gasp. Her eyes are purple now. After the initial shock he grabs his flashlight and shines it into her eyes and I see her pupils dilate like they should. I grab Kate's hand and give it a squeeze before Carlisle turns around to us.

"She's starting to come back to us. I need to do a full body cat scan and xrays to see what is going on and if we need to feed her actual food or what." He says as he starts to pick her up.

We all get out of his way as he carries her to an office that they set up and starts to do her tests. We all stay in her room and we all look at each other like we are crazy.

"This can't be happening can it?" Esme asks.

"I need to start reading some of the books and see if I can figure out this mystery." Eleazar says before he leaves the room in a hurry.

Jasper follows after him and then slowly everyone started to go their own ways. Kate and I sat down on her bed and hugged each other. I think we are about to get our mate back.

Isabella's P.O.V.

I guess it has been two weeks because that lady comes back into my room. I look up at her and she smiles down at me.

"I am guessing you know your answer then Isabella." She says.

"I do. I want to live." I tell her.

"Good now it is time to start waking up then. You must know that you are completely different from anyone I have ever seen or allowed to be changed. Your family will need time to figure out what you are and how you will now function. Be patient with them and let them figure it out." She says. She starts to turn around and leave but I quickly stop her.

"What do you mean? Who are you? Where am I?" I ask her.

"I mean that you are not just a vampire it seems. I am the Vampire Goddess and nobody has ever met me. You are the first person to ever see me but I will show up again in your new life eventually. When we meet again be prepared for a great battle to take place. You are the change that we have needed. You are in your own mind dear Isabella. It can be a scary place but you figured things out here. Welcome back to the real world. Good bye for now Isabella." She says and then she leaves but she stops at a door and turns back around to face me. "Until we meet again do take care." And just like that she leaves me alone.

Just then the pain stops and things start to become brighter. I start running for the end of the light that leads me back to the real world and it is hard to do. It feels like I am being held down by quicksand. I can do this though. This is nothing I haven't been through before.

Kate's P.O.V.

Carlisle has just brought her back to us and has informed us that she still needs to eat real people food as well as blood. I guess to keep her body going is what I am assuming. He lays her back down in the bed and leaves the room so that Rosalie and I are the only ones in here. Together we lay down in the bed around her and grab her hands. As we are laying there we can hear her heartbeat start getting to a normal persons beat. She must be about to wake up.

Five minutes later we hear a gasp and Isabella sits up in the bed looking around frantically. She's awake.

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