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Isabella's p.o.v.

The yelling in the morning never gets old. Nothing tells you to have a great day like the yelling of your parents downstairs. Though I am used to it it still gets old and I'm tired of it. I can't sleep peacefully to make the perfect grades that they require me to have or I get beat for it. I don't eat like I should since they could care less about me. For crying out loud I live in a closet and my bed is worn out blankets on the floor. I'm too tall for my closet though so I keep a nice bend in my body while I attempt to sleep.

"Isabella get your ass down here and get to school!" My dear old dad yells to me.

I don't dare speak anymore because it only leads to a beating that takes too long to heal. So in other words I am voluntarily mute.

"I said now Isabella!!!" He yells again.

I quickly grab my backpack and run downstairs. I run out of the house and start walking to school so that I'll get there on time.

I should probably introduce myself now that I think about it. I am Isabella Maria Swan and this is my life. I live in Forks, Washington with my mom and dad, Renee and Charlie Swan. My dad is chief of police around here and people think he's a great guy. I'm sure he is to everyone else besides me. My mom is a stay at home mom and that's about all for her. I am 17 years old and my birthday is in a few weeks. I'm a senior at school and of course I have perfect grades not that I have much of a choice in the matter. I am five feet and five inches tall with brown hair and brown eyes. My hair goes down to my waist and I'm not allowed to cut it off. One of the many rules my parents have enforced. I can't drive so I walk everywhere. I'm always punctual because I learned the hard way that I am required to be. There's a lot more I can talk about but I just got to school and I need to pay attention and learn something.

Alice's p.o.v.

"What have we told you about being late and making bad grades? Bad grades make us look bad and I won't have a daughter that is a failure! I'm tired of teaching you this so I'm going to put a stop to this for once and all." The chief of police says as he pulls a gun out and aims it at the girl.

The girl doesn't even flinch and she continues to stare up at him. He gives her a sickening smirk before he pulls the trigger and the girl collapses on the floor in her own blood. The other lady in the room smiles at him before he puts the gun in the girls hands and makes it look like a suicide.

I'm pulled out of my vision with a scream. My family is instantly surrounding me and looking at me worriedly.

"What did you see Alice?" Rose asks me.

"Isabella is going to be murdered tonight by her father and it's going to look like a suicide." I tell everyone.

"We need to save her. Today after school you guys need to kidnap her and bring her here. Once she's here I'll give her something to knock her out and then we are leaving for Alaska to stay with our cousins." Carlisle says.

Nobody questions him because we know that he couldn't live with it if this girl dies and he didn't try to stop it.

"We'll get her here. I think only three of us go to school today so that the rest of us can get packed and the Denali's called to let them know what is happening." Jasper says.

"Good idea. I say Alice, Jasper, and Edward goes while Emmett, Rosalie, Esme, and I stay here and get packed up and ready." Carlisle says.

I nod my head and drag my husband out of the room and to our car. "Everything is going to be okay babe. You won't hurt her and this is for her own good." I tell him and give him a kiss.

"I know my love. This will all work out for the best." He says as we wait for Edward to get in the car with us.

Isabella's p.o.v.

I'm late. I tripped and fell down in the hallway effectively dropping and scattering all of my stuff making me late for class. This is not good and honestly I don't know if I want to go home tonight. Charlie always hates me being late than most other things. What will he do to me?

Now that I'm a nervous wreck I'm extra jumpy and exhausted. I haven't ate in a few days and I can now feel it like never before. My clothes are too loose on me and my pants keep trying to fall down. I think I'm losing my mind. Is that possible though? Focus Isabella you gotta toughen up and get your head straight or you'll fail that trigonometry test today and you don't need anything else for them to punish you for today. You are going to take a deep breath and get a drink of water to fill up your stomach and then you are going to pass this test with flying colors. You have nothing to worry about. You have got this.

I did not have that at all. I just got done with my trig test and I failed it. I'm not talking I got a B on it or anything I'm talking about an F. Charlie is going to literally kill me for this. I thought I had it but it was all a lie and now I am literally screwed. I'm sure my parents already know I failed that test. I'm sure Charlie is on his way home from work right now laughing about what he is about to do to me. Maybe I can run away. Surely I'm smart enough to know how to get away from here without being found. Right?

Oh who am I kidding. I'll be better off dead than to keep living life like this. I don't even have a room to sleep in and they starve me. Being dead has to be better than how I live now.

With that thought in mind I pack up my stuff from my locker and then I head out of the school and to the parking lot that I have to pass through. My backpack is heavy because I put everything from my locker into it because I'm sure that this is the last day I'll be alive. You may be thinking how does she think this and that's a good question. The answer to that question is that I have always had a sixth sense if that makes any sense to you. I could always tell when I was going to have a bad day and that feeling has never failed me. In a way I'm glad I have it because I know what to look forward to.

I get to the end of the parking lot and look back at the school I have always been to. Basically I'm saying my goodbyes to it because it was better than most of my life here. Just as I turn back around I am being picked up and placed into a car. I don't scream or even react because I am ready to die.

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