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Rosalie's P.O.V.

She's actually dying this time. I can hear her heartbeat dropping dangerously slow. She's barely breathing and I know that she is actually going to give up fighting. I look up at Kate and she keeps shaking her and I can tell that Kate isn't wanting to believe it either. I look to Tanya and she's saying something but I can't hear anything. I just can't believe this. This was supposed to be a nice day not a nightmare. Suddenly I get an idea and I know what we have to do.

"Kate we have to start the change." I say.

"She's too weak Rose we can't do that." She says.

"She's dying Kate. She is no longer fighting for her life. We have to try or we are going to lose her." I tell her.

I look to Alice and she looks sad. "I can't see anything about her. She is nothing but a blur in the future guys."

"I'm going to start the change no matter what Kate so I would suggest you do it or we lose our mate." I say as I grab Isabella's wrist.

"I'll do it." Kate says.

Together we both look into each other's eyes and we bite down onto her wrist and start injecting her full of our venom. Tanya scooted out of our way and we ripped her jeans and bit down into her thighs as well. Lastly we bit down on each side of her neck and then we sat back and looked down at Isabella.

Her heart is no longer beating. She has stopped breathing all together and that is terrifying. Just then Carlisle opens the door and looks at the bite marks on her body.

"It was our only choice Carlisle. She was dying and she knew it. It was the only thing we could do." I tell him.

"I need to examine her so hurry up and get us to the house. I'll examine her while you drive Alice. Everyone is ready at the house for her." Carlisle says as he hops into the car.

I grab Kate's hand and I can see the tears that will never fall in her eyes as she looks down at our mate. I pull her over to me and wrap my arms around her as I try to find comfort in her.

"Tanya I need you to go ahead and remove your hands. She is no longer breathing and her heart is no longer beating. You holding her blood in her body is not going to do us any good anymore. I need to see if there is anything going on inside of her that shows that the venom is initiating the change." Carlisle says.

Tanya lets go and she sits back down and she looks sad as well. Everyone is looking at Isabella and then looking at Kate and I. I don't know if they are looking for the breakdown or what but I am not going to show them what I am feeling right now. I do not need my family to see me any weaker than I am because of last night. I need to stay strong for Kate and everyone else. I have to.

"There is something going on but Kate and Rosalie I need to warn you that this may not save her. She was very weak from the very beginning and this is still not a promising sign. I know that the change saves almost everyone but it does not always save them. Isabella may be one of the few that her body rejects the change and she dies." Carlisle tells us.

I nod my head and hold Kate closer to me. Alice keeps speeding down the road and by this point in time she is one the gravel road leading to the house. Carlisle starts picking up her body very carefully and gets ready to get out of the car. When Alice finally comes to a stop Jasper is opening the door for him to carry Isabella up to her room. Together Kate and I get out of the car next and follow after him but Jasper stops us at the door to her room.

"Girls I know you want to go in there but right now Carlisle really needs to look her over and fix as much as he can for incase the change takes place. You two need to go get cleaned up and I am sure by the time you get done that he will be ready for you to go in but until then you can't go in there." He tells us.

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