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Isabella's P.O.V.

Once we are in the room I notice that my face feels weird. I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror to see cracks in my skin. I start to freak out but Rosalie and Kate grab my hands and I instantly calm down. I look to the both of them in the mirror and they are already focused on my face.

"We crack as vampires when we hurt ourselves. It will heal and disappear though so you have no worries." Kate tells me.

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and let go of their hands. "Do you guys sleep or is it only me?"

"We don't sleep but we enjoy laying in bed." Rosalie answers.

"Where are you guys going to lay then?" I ask them.

"We will be laying in the same bed as you silly." Kate says with a chuckle.

"We won't do anything to you Isabella so rest assured you will be safe in bed." Rosalie says.

I nod my head and then I leave the bathroom and hop up into the bed and dive under the blankets. Once I am fully covered I sigh and relax into the bed. I feel the bed dip and then I feel two bodies surrounding me. As soon as they are around me I feel my body relax and then I am fast asleep.

Kate's P.O.V.

As soon as she falls asleep I look to Rosalie and see that she has something on her mind.

"What's going on Rosalie?"

"I'm just adjusting is all." She tells me.

She looks up at me this time and I can see her questioning the changes in her mind. I get up from the bed and go over to her. I lay down besides her and look into her eyes.

"I know this is a big change for everyone but Rosalie I am not sorry that this happened. I can feel the bond to you and I know that you are the one for me. You are incredibly beautiful and amazing. I know that I will do anything for you if you would just ask for me to." I tell her.

I guess that snapped her out of it because next thing I know is that her lips are on mine and that we are kissing. I pull her as close as she can be to me and I kiss her back. She is an amazing kisser and it drives me crazy with want for her. I guess she can smell my arousal because I hear her growl into the kiss and then she starts to move her lips to my neck. This causes me to moan and hold her even more tightly against me. When I turn my head to give her more room I see that Isabella has woken up and that her eyes are pitch black. Next thing I see is the covers flying off of her body and that she is scooting closer to us. When her body is pressed lightly against mine I feel her stiffen and suck in a deep breath. Rosalie stops kissing me and looks over to Isabella and I can tell then and there that we all do not know what to do. We are all aroused but I know that Isabella is not ready for this stage and I also know that Rosalie isn't fully ready herself yet either. That being said I get up out of the bed and go to the bathroom and turn on a cold shower for myself. While in the shower I hear the tub filling with water and I know that Rosalie is hopping into a cold bath to calm herself down.

"I'm sorry Rosalie." I tell her as I let the water pour down on me.

"I started it. I'm not upset that it happened." She tells me.

I open the shower door and look over to her and see that she is sitting in the tub fully clothed. I step out of the shower and Isabella comes running into the bathroom and she hops right into the still cold shower and shuts the door behind her. I go over to the tub and Rosalie nods her head letting me know that I can get into the tub with her. I step into the tub with her and together we sit in the cold bath without saying a thing. Isabella isn't saying a thing and our room is silent.

"I don't want to be called Isabella anymore." She says from the shower.

"What would you like to be called?" Rosalie asks her.

"I think I want to change my name all together honestly. I am thinking Bella Marie Cullen Denali." She says.

I look to Rosalie and I can tell that the both of us is shocked about the last name.

"Why that last name?" I ask her.

"You two are my mates and I know that eventually I will fully accept the bond and I will be changing my name anyway so I might as well go ahead and do it now then." She tells us.

The shower turns off and she steps out of the shower and looks at us. She walks over to us and she hops into the bathtub with us as well and she sits facing us.

"Everything is changing so quickly but the lady told me that I need to be ready and willing to let the changes happen. She said that if I don't accept it fast that I will end up hurting you guys and I don't want to do that. I really have no choice but to grow up real fast and accept things and I plan to do that because I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me." She explains to us.

"We will never rush you into this Bella. We understand that your life has not been good and that everything is new to you and that it'll take time to get used to it all. You don't have to take our last names so fast though because we understand that when you are ready you will take ours." Rosalie says.

Bella just sighs before she nods her head and then gets up out of the tub. She starts stripping out of her clothes besides her bra and underwear and wraps a towel around herself. She goes back into the room and hops into the bed and she is quickly sleeping once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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