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Isabella's P.O.V.

Everything is happening in a blur. Here I thought I was going to be killed but I am actually being saved from my abusive dad and mom. Someone is actually paying attention to me for a good reason and not for a bad reason. Rosalie says that I am safe with them but if they all have the strength of her I will be a goner if they ever got tired of me. She dented her steering wheel when she got frustrated and that dent would have broke me if I was the steering wheel. The look she first gave me when she turned towards me after her phone call with Alice made me scared and I had all rights to flinch from her. I think it hurt her though that I flinched from her. I couldn't help it though because that is what I have always had to do to survive in my house.

We start to slow down and I see why. In front of me is a big house and a lot of people are waiting outside of the house for us. I recognize the Cullen's but I am guessing the others are the Denali's their cousins.

"Alright Isabella we are here. You don't need to be afraid now we all will protect you with our lives." Rosalie says as she opens the door.

I slowly open the door and get out of the car. I keep my eyes down at the ground so that I don't make eye contact with anyone. I slowly start to walk forward towards the Cullen's since I know them. Halfway to them I see a notepad and a pencil being held out for me to take so I take it from the person and then I open it up slowly and start writing.

It's nice to meet you all and I appreciate what you are doing for me. I am Isabella Marie Swan.

I show them all what I wrote and I keep looking down at the ground. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look over to see Rosalie.

"We won't hurt you Isabella. You don't have to look down at the ground." She tells me.

I nod my head and only slightly lift my head but still to not make eye contact.

"Isabella I would really like to examine you for anything broken or hurt so that we can start getting you healed." Carlisle says.

I immediately freeze up and wrap my arms around my stomach and hold myself tightly together. Why would they need to see my body? I am fine and I think I would know if I was hurt.

"He only wants to check on you. He doesn't mean anything by it." Edward says then.

I nod my head and walk over to him and then follow him into the house and to an office. I sit down in a chair and then wait for him to tell me what he wants to look at. I go ahead and take my shoes off because I'm sure he will want to see everything and I have no reason to hide anything anymore...right?

"Alright Isabella I need you to take the hoodie off and strip down to your bra and underwear please. I am first going to weigh you and then I can get and idea on what all we need to get into your system to help you out the best." He tells me.

I grab my notepad and quickly scribble out. Can Rosalie be in here with me?

"Of course. Rosalie come on in." He says.

She is in the room with us in a second and she is standing by my side. I go ahead and start stripping out of my clothes feeling slightly better now that she is in here with me. I take off my hoodie and my ragged shirt under it. I hear Rosalie suck in a breath and I know that she sees my ribs and my bruises from the other night. I untie the string around my jeans and they fall off of my body without me having to unbutton them. I step out of my jeans and then I walk over to the scale. I don't look at my weight and when he tells me to get off I quickly get off and turn away from the number. I don't want to know how bad I am.

"Alright Isabella I need you to sit on this bed and I am going to do some x-rays of your body to see if anything is broken or cracked." He tells me.

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