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Jasper's p.o.v.

"What is she feeling Jazz?" Alice asks me.

We just now kidnapped Isabella Swan and I'm getting peace from the girl. This should not be happening. I would think that she would be freaking out but she is far from it.

"She is perfectly fine with this." I tell them.

"That can't be right. She should be freaking out like a normal person." Edward says.

I can already tell that he does not trust her at all because of this.

"You must realize Edward that she is used to a terrible life and this is probably her way of dealing with it all. This is honestly probably not even in the slightest bit scary for her because her home life was a nightmare in itself." Alice says. She's already defending the girl and she doesn't know her. This is one of the many things I love about my wife. She has a big heart.

"Well call the others and let them know we are almost there." He says with a huff.

"Already taken care of." Alice says.

I look at Isabella and I notice that she is smiling with her eyes closed. I look to Alice and she looks worried about her. I can't blame her though because even i did not picture her acting like this. She truly is something else. In my eyes we can't judge her by the way she is acting though. None of us knows what she has truly went through in her life.

Isabella's p.o.v

I open my eyes and I see that the Cullen kids from school are the ones that snatched me up. I look around and notice that only three of them are here so two of them didn't go to school today. I see the short one, I believe her name is Alice, is staring right at me looking slightly worried. I just smile at her and then look out the window. I notice immediately that we are not in town and that we are on the outskirts of it going down a gravel driveway, I am assuming that it leads to their house. I wonder why they kidnapped me though. I never even tried to get close to them so that is a shock to me.

We shortly after arrive at a big house and I see the other two walk out of the house followed by I'm assuming their parents. I look back at the three in the car and I smile again before I open the door and get out calmly. I see that this makes them look slightly taken back by me. I go to who I am assuming is their parents and hold out my hand and shake their hands before stepping back and going to the side. I see that they are all now looking at me and I just shrug my shoulders before reaching for my notepad and pen.

It's okay I'm ready to die. No need to look shocked or anything. I must say thank you though because this is a much nicer view than my house. I hope the money Charlie and Renee gives you is a good chunk since this is an unusual request.

I write out on my notepad and then show it to them. The tall blonde one which I am almost positive is Rosalie grabs my notepad from me and then her eyes get slightly darker before she hands the notepad to her parents.

"We are not here to kill you Isabella. We don't do that kind of work and that's sad that you would think we would kill you. We just wanted to get to know you better since you seemed so lonely at school." Rosalie says to me.

I quickly lose my smile and I begin to panic. I have officially said way too much. Charlie will get told this and I'll be killed for sure now. Maybe if I beg them they will do it for me though. I can just explain I'm already a goner so they would be doing me a favor by me dying here in the forest than in my house on the carpet.

"We will not be killing you." Rosalie growls out.

That is the last thing I remember before the darkness consumes me. Finally a peaceful sleep before I go.

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