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Isabella's p.o.v

I sit down besides Alice and Jasper while Kate sits down besides her family and Rosalie besides me. I look down at the ground and wait for them to start telling me how bad I am.

"Isabella your health is not the best. I've had you on IV all night to try and help your body get fluid into it. You only weigh seventy-three pounds. A girl your age and height should weigh atleast a hundred pounds to be somewhat healthy. It is going to take time for us to help you gain the weight that you need to be at. If you are comfortable with it we have some food for you to eat and you need to eat it. If you dont eat I will be forced to put a feeding tube in and feed you that way." Carlisle says.

I look up at him slightly and then I look to Kate. Shes looking me in the eyes and telling me with her eyes that I need to eat. Rosalie grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. I look back to Carlisle and nod my head.

"I... wi...l.. tr.....y... to ea..t." I say.

I hear the gasps around the room and I look back down at the ground. Before I know it my chin is being lifted up and I see Kate is the one doing it.

"You can talk?" She asks me.

I nod my head. She smiles at me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I quickly look back down and away from everyone.

Did she really just kiss me? Did she show me affection? They dont know me. Why would she do that?

"Isabella I am assuming you were a voluntary mute person." Carlisle says.

I nod my head to answer his question.

"It was because you were beat. Your parents made you be quiet didnt they." Jasper says.

I nod my head to answer his question and then I feel him grabbing my other hand.

"Isabella I know how that is. Together I will help you get through what they did to you. You'll be able to live again." He says.

"Well now that we have discussed that how about we decide what you would like to eat Isabella." Kate says.

I shrug my shoulders and look back down at the ground.

"How about a favorite?" Rosalie asks.

Alice hands me a notepad and pencil and I take it. I start to write down my answer.

I don't have a favorite anything.

"Surely you at least like something." Esme says.

"Guys she didnt have a choice in the matter. Just fix something that's common for everyone and I'm sure itll be fine for her." Jasper is my savior.

"I'm so sorry Isabella. We forgot." Kate says.

No worries.

With that being said Rosalie pulls me up with her and then takes me to the kitchen. She sits me down on a stool by the bar and then she and Kate start gathering up ingredients to make me food. I notice right off the bat that Kate is the one that is actually cooking while Rosalie is the one gathering the food and getting it set up for Kate. It seems like they have always had this routine and they work like a well oiled machine.

Just then Alice walks into the room followed by two blondes.

"Isabella this is Tanya and Irina, Kate's sisters. Tanya is the leader of their coven." Alice tells me.

I nod my head and keep my eyes down at the ground.

"Its nice to officially meet you Isabella. We wanted to welcome you to our home. We were also wondering if you would like to go shopping with us today. We can go to the mall and get you a few things to make you feel more welcomed." Irina says.

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