Edible Present

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Tw: Fluff- haha

Niki was very happy today. She had recently spent a lot of time baking a cake for Wilbur and was going to give it to him that afternoon. She finished packing said cake into a box, putting a blue bow on top, the bell attached to her door jingling when she left the bakery. The icey dirt crunched under her feet as she walked across the Christmas-ready town. Fairy lights were radiating a multitude of colors, some poorly strewn around, most likely the ones put up by Tommy. Noticing this, Niki rolled her eyes and let out a quiet laugh (well more of a relaxed exhale if you ask me, but who is?). Moving on, she saw Techno and Phil chatting and decided to walk up to them.

"Hey Phil, Techno." She said. Phil stopped talking and looked over at her, smiling. Techno also looked over, his face as stoic as ever. "Hello, Niki," Phil said, crossing his arms casually. He acknowledged the box she was holding before speaking again. "What's the box for?" Niki smiled. "It's a cake for Wilbur! Speaking of which, do you happen to know where he is?" This time, it was Techno who spoke. "He went that way" He pointed towards one of the many paths littering the town. She thanked them and went on her way.

Now, she was getting into the more rural part of the area. There were fewer buildings and more grasslands. Getting to the end of the path Techno pointed towards, she looked around, confused. Finding Wilbur had proven to be harder than she thought. Luckily for her, though, Bad was nearby, petting a stray dog. Niki, this time, ran up to her friend, calling out his name. He heard and watched as the animal he was petting wandered off, before turning to Niki. "Oh hello, Niki! Are you okay? You look exhausted!" Catching her breath, she began to speak. "Oh, I'm fine, It's just, do you know where Wilbur is? At all?" He frowned. "No sorry, I haven't seen him." Niki was getting slightly irritated, so she let out a sigh before looking at the box holding the cake.

"What's in the box?" Bad asked. She sighed again. "A cake for Wil." His expression brightened at the answer. "Can I see it?" She passed the box to Bad and he opened it. Inside was the cake, well-decorated with a neat flag design he had told her about earlier that week. Said it was the flag for his made-up nation, "L'manberg". The cake also had yellow and blue frosting around the edge for an extra touch. Bad's eyes shimmered as his smile grew. "It looks lovely!" He said as he looked back up at Niki. Unfortunately, he wasn't paying attention to the box long enough for it to fall out of his hands, the cake falling to the ground and splattering everywhere.

Niki let out a whimper as her hard work got ruined. Bad immediately began to apologize, but she stopped him. "Bad, It's okay. I mean, I spent a lot of time making that, but it's fine." She really wasn't that mad. It's not like Bad did it on purpose. He was just clumsy and she couldn't blame him for that. He started talking again. "But I ruined it! I'm so so so sorry, is there anything I can do to repay you?" She thought about it for a bit. "Maybe, you could help me make another one?" She offered. His smile returned. "Yeah! I'll help you make another one!" Niki rolled up the sleeves of the sweater she was wearing. "First, we need our ingredients."

(Baker mode activated)

They started with collecting milk (they stole it) from one of the many cow farms littered around the farmlands, Techno's to be exact. After they got (stole) the milk, they went back to Niki's bakery to grab the other needed ingredients. They made their batter, smiling while they baked. Bad put on some Christmas music and they sang together while half-hazardly whipping up some frosting. After the cake was done cooking, they decorated it and repackaged it. They admired their work. While it wasn't the best, they were happy with it and how it turned out.

Niki was glad they remade the cake, but she still has yet to find Wilbur. As if hearing his name, the man walked through the door. "Hey, Niki." She rolled her eyes at the irony and walked up to him with the cake. "Hey Wil, I got you a present. You were telling me about that nation you made up so Bad and I made you this, as like a Christmas present!" She gave Bad a slight smile as to tell him "We don't mention the last one" He gave her a thumbs up and she turned back to Wilbur, who was admiring the cake. "Thanks so much, Niki. I should probably be on my way now but I'll see you later." He left the bakery.

Niki turned back to Bad. "Hey? Wanna sing some more songs?"

839 words

A/n: Fluff time babyyy. Also, active uploading pog? Also, this is a gift for Siol-E! We came up with an idea and I did a bit of writing based on it! It's my Christmas gift to you, my friend :D! Happy holidays everyone!

I'm totally not uploading this at 1:30 am on Christmas-

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