All I know is write angst for AUs

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This is for a hero and villain AU I made with friends and Charlie Slimecicle and Karl Jacobs are brothers. Tw for gore and death. Enjoy


The rain crashed down heavily, drenching Biza and her son as she tried to run home, her child's hand in her's. Not wanting for either of them to get a cold, she turned into an alleyway that she thought would be a shortcut.

Unfortunately it was a dead end and she frowned, now forced to turn around. This time, a man was standing in front of her, a sadistic smile on his face. Biza's eyebrows furrowed and she went to speak. "Hello sir? Do you need some help?" No reply. Instead the man walked up to the two and placed a hand on the sixteen year old's shoulder, the smiled never leaving his face.

Biza was extremely uncomfortable at
the situation and tried to push the man away from her son. She froze when the man began to laugh loudly as if he'd lost his mind. The stranger's eyes glowed green and she watched in horror as her son started to walk towards him, the teen's face also filled with fear.

The kid couldn't control his limbs, could only watch in anxiety as he moved towards the man against his will. Once he got close enough, a knife was placed in his hand and the teen's eyes widened as his body turned back towards his mother. His body leapt at his mother, whose entire face went white as she realized the inevitable. Tears streamed down her son's face as the blade pierced her stomach and she let out a gut-wretched scream. Blood began to pool in her mouth and the son could do nothing except watch the scene unfold. Soon, his mother went silent and she stilled. Maniacal laughter rang in his ears and a mix of tears and rain ran down his face. He felt control come back to his body and soom the laughter faded, just like his mother's life. Blood covered the child and he sobbed into his arms for what seemed like forever...

You may be curious as to who this boy is and what happened. Maybe even who the maniacal man was. Well if that's the case, you'll be glad to know that Biza Pickel Jacobs was walking home that night with one of her sons, Charlie Slimecicle Jacobs when they came across Grizzly Bulldog Dungeon, a man with the Puppeteer power. Now what happened after, as the official police report states, Charlie was found with his mother and when asked what happened, the teenager only cried and pointed at his right hand. You may also wonder if Charlie is still stringed. The answer is no. Very simple one. Well now that was quite the trip eh? I'll let you be for now...


Words: 448

Thanks for reading!

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