{5}{chistmas bonus}

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"Oh man, it's so cold today... Why am I surprised, the temperatures have been dropping for the past week... Better turn on the heating system." You chirped, running around your house - barefoot, turning on the heaters in every room. It's currently 7 am, you had to get up earlier than you usually did, simply because you couldn't sleep. You kept having nightmares and kept tossing and turning. Knowing that there was no chance to fall back asleep, you had decided to get up and makes some breakfast for yourself.

After serving C/N some cat food and changing the water bowl, you got ready to prepare some breakfast for yourself.

After rummaging through your fridge, you decided to give in and just simple have some cereal and makes some hot drink later.

It's been about a month since your collaboration with George and the rest of the Gang, and over the past weeks you have grown pretty close to them, you're like a part of the group, but not exactly a part of it directly to the public. You guys talked a lot, like, A LOT. You have also been streaming on the Dream SMP a lot. Over the time, a lot happened in the Dream SMP, there was the fall of L'manburg, Wilbur became a gost, and has a lovely blue sheep who's name is friend. A very lovely specimen. And then Schlatt was just, there but also never there. Tubbo became the president of the new country, Tommy fucked up big time and got exiled.

You felt bad for Tommy's exile, you wanted to go with him, but the the sake of the clout and plot, you stayed. However you did visit him so frequently, well, at least tried to go visit him at any chance you could when Dré was offline.

Sitting down at the kitchen bar and sitting down on the cold stool, you reached for your phone and scrolled through instagram, looking at memes and fanart you have been receiving. It was lovely to see your career take off in such a great way, but there were always bad side to every good. The hate. It wasn't a lot, but it was there, and it sometimes bothered you. You managed to ignore it for the most of the time, but sometimes people would just try and go in too deep and try and harm your emotional state, which was very wack.

Scrolling through your feed and liking a few posts every so freely, you had finished your cereal and had gotten rid of the morning murder evidence (the dishes).

Walking over to your room and faceplanting into your soft bed sheets, your phone's notification went off and you grabbed your phone to check it.


[New message: Pissflowerbaby]

hey, Y/N, you up to anything?

heeeeyyyy, flower boy, i'm not doing much, just enjoying the morning cold. How come you're up so early? Couldn't sleep or did you piss your bed?

Oh woooooowww, real smooth, Y/N, reaaaalll smooth. But yeah, i just couldn't sleep. If you're cold why dont you just turn on your heaters? This December is actually pretty chilly.

hehehehhe, thanks, i try my best every time. Also my heaters are on, i turned them on like an hour ago. I guess it'll just take a bit for the apartment to warm up. I never knew Orlando would feel so chilly ngl.

Sucks to suck ;)
Anyways, want to call? I'm pretty bored right now and talking to you is rather nice.

He thinks talking to me is nice? Haven't i just been softcore bullying him though? Weird man.

Ah, sure just give me a sec, i need to get my ass up and go turn on my PC ;)

(On Hold) C'MERE~                              [Dream x reader]Where stories live. Discover now