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"Hey, antihero? Do you prefer to be called by your name? Or as antihero?" George asked you whilst crafting himself an iron chestplate.
It was the day of ty stream, and you and George hit it off really well! It has been about 30 mins into the stream and you were peacefully doing an mc speedrun, it wasn't really made to hit the records, more like a vibe place. All the donations in this stream were going straight to charity to help children in need.
And of course, let's not forget dream boy, well- man. Dream was, well, he just was there, he didn't really say anything. He just kinda was there, occasionally saying a few words and laughing at- either you or George- screaming at mobs.

"Well, antihero sounds a bit odd sometimes, but i don't mind being called Y/N, suit yourself i guess? Also there's a zombie closing in on you." You explained and hit the zombie, giving George some time to finish and turn around to finish it off.
"Dream?" You questioned not too loudly not to startle the mad, in case he was daydreaming.
"I- uh, huh? Yeah- what?" he spluttered out the words, clearly being cut out of a train of thoughts.
"Are you doin okay? You've been awfully quiet? Am I and George being too loud?" you question, a soothing concern coating your words.
"Oh, yeah I'm all right, just kinda out of it today haha" he said and snickered.


"nononONOOOOOO GEORGEEEEEE! DON'T DIEEEE-" you yelped as you tried to save him from the mass amount of mobs that had ganged up on him.

GeorgeNotFound was slain by a zombie.

"WHAAAAAAA" Dream made his infamous kettle laugh as George was laughing at the way you mourned his death in a block game.
"George! How can you die before this twank? HA!" Dream said making you turn around and start punching him with a spoon- i mean, a shovel.
"A twank???? Hey there bog boy I'm not even that much shorter than you! You have no rights to call me a T W A N K!" you dramatically exclaimed and hit him the last time, returning your attention to collecting George's stuff in a chest.
"Oh really? You don't seem an inch taller than 3 feet!" Dream said, clearly picking on you, and George laughing out his guts in the background.
"...well for your information I'm 5'11! So suck it up green man." You said as you finished lacing George's stuff in a chest.
"...i guess George can the the twank then!" He exclaimed as his friend came into the viewpoint of the screen.

"DREAM NO!" George yelled and you and Dream burset out laughing, you barely having any air because of you 'no sound but painful as shit' laughs that mixed with loud inhales, and dream's kettle sounds.


"Y/N, Y/N! Y/NNNNNNNNNN! Help! Help meeee! I'm burning" George yelped, hoping that you might have a water bucked in your inventory, and for his own luck, you did! Placing down the water so George doesn't die again.

"Oh wow George, you don't even want my help? Only Y/N's? Wow okay..." Dream said, dramatically faking a sob.

"Oh yeah, she's just cooler than you lolol"

"Aww, thanks Gogy! I think you're cooler than green man as well!"

You could practically imagine Clay making the ">:0" face at what George just said. There was a long pause and then-

Dream has left the game

"PHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAA" you started to laugh, making you chest feel tight. Soon after your and George's laughter fit Dream joined back tye game and you continued on.


"Well guys, it was fun! We beat tye game, surprisingly only after 3 hours of messing around and bullying eachother LOL! I'm raiding Y/N's stream again, if you haven't followed them yet, do it now! Byeeee!" You could hear George's voice chime through your headphones. After making sure that his stream was over you began to speak.

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