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Glare raced along the halls of the school, looking for her. For some reason, glare needed to find a rainwing. She didn't know why, nor how she would do it, but for one reason a rainwing was necessary for it to work.
For what to work? She thought, but soon the halls of the mountain morphed into water. It filled her lungs and made her collapse, but after a few seconds, she somehow managed to breath again.
She kicked out her legs and rose upward, to see only blue ocean around her and blue sky above her. But there was something else... Something powerful. She felt a jolt. The earth was shaking.
Three moons the earth is falling apart!
But the earth was not falling apart. Instead, the ocean rose up around her, engulfing her. She felt herself being pushed in a direction unknown to her. Somehow she needed a rainwing. A rainwing...

Glare awoke with a jolt. A Dragon was standing over her.
"Mudslide? Did you have to?" She groaned as she got up, " I was having a dream. "
"Oh another one of those so called prophecies?" Mudslide smirked. "Ha ha. You know those aren't real. You had one a while back about some kind of black and white bear. Did that come true? I thought not!"
" Fine then. " glare said, walking over to the entrance of their cave.
"So we go to classes." Confirmed mudslide, not that it needed any confirming. Glare was perfectly capable of telling her they needed to go to class.

Once in the class, which was history, glare asked "can you... Can you tell us about... Water rising up above dragons heads?"
" She had another 'prophetic ' dream" said mudslide.
"But it was real!" Glare insisted .
"I've never heard of water that rises above dragons heads without a reason, such as the Dragon SINKING." sighed the icewing, silver, "your a danger to Pyrrhia like that!"
Glare couldn't tell if she was joking or not. She couldn't possibly be dangerous just because of her gift of sight? Her gift that no one believed was real. Ok, maybe she had imagined the bear. Ok, and the icewings Disappearing. And the giant group of ruthless dogs living in the arctic and the mountains. And a lot more stuff... Ok, thinking about it, glare realized the odds seemed low of the dream being real.
"I'm telling you about the scorching today." Their teacher , pine, said.
Again? She thought, but had the sense to stay quiet.
"The scorching happened 8,002 years ago. Back then, the scavengers were in charge of us dragons. But during the scorching, dragons took control over the scavengers. And that's when all of this" pine gestured around the cave. "Started. The tribes began to separate, and they became more different from one another. They fought over territory. The scorching burned many parts of Pyrrhia bla bla bla..." He went on and on.
Glare had also had a dream about the scavengers coming back, and taking control again. Like that was ever going to happen! Since when we're scavengers dangerous? But then again, she was. But that has been a joke. Just a joke. For some reason it took a lot for glare to believe something is a joke, especially something that was definitely not true.
But her dream had seemed so real...

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