chapter 2

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Lemur whirled around at the amused voice. A light blue and green seawing was standing in the shore, half his body in the water. His eyes were a piercing, dark green, and his face... Three moons, his face. It looked as if one side had been torn to shreds, and put back together only half heartily. Maybe a wound from a fight?
What kinds of dangerous animals live in an ocean?
But lemur couldn't stop herself from saying, "three moons your face looks like it's been ripped apart and then filled back up with that sticky stuff scavengers use in things!" She immediately felt bad about it, but to her surprise , the Dragon actually smiled.
"The first thing any Dragon ever notices about me. Ah well. But what are doing here? I thought I as the only one to come here!" The Dragon told lemur.
" No. It's mine. I've been coming here for ages! " lemur retorted, pulling farther away from the seawing.
"Uh, no. Maybe we've both been coming here. I'll go back..." He trailed off, and she could see the look in his eyes that meant that he didn't want to. Either that, or he just wasn't welcome .
Lemur wondered if his problem was the same as her's. Maybe his hole tribe were eternal optimists as well! But then again, probably not. Seawings were known to be sensible dragons. But this Dragon seemed to familiar to her. A little to familiar. He seemed like her.
"No." Lemur blurted , "no it's ok. You can stay"
The seawing looked at her in confusion, but he stepped out the water and onto the beach.
"Hi." Lemur said , "I'm lemur."
"Uh... I'm seaweed. Call me sea. But, if you don't mind, I'll be over here..." He stepped back, and walked toward the other side if the beach, we're the sand turned to pebbles.
Lemur mind if wanted to all with him. He seemed like he had the same feelings as her, like he was the only one making sense. She wanted some company, but she respected his choice. She also had a feeling that if she didn't, seaweed would just go back into the sea. Since he didn't want to, lemur wouldn't make him.
She looked her at seaweed, and wondered I wonder why he doesn't like being with dragons. I do. Sometimes. But the more she thought about it, she realized that she didn't really like being with other dragons either.
Then lemur looked at the sun. It was already getting lower! Sun time might already be over by the time she made it back to the rainforest! She spread her wings and lifted into the air. Leaping over logs and dodging tree branches she sped towards the village.
By the time she made it back, some dragons were already waking up. She spotted toucan, who was luckily still asleep, on a platform. Lemur dropped down next to him. If she fell asleep as well, no one would know she'd been gone! Especially toucan! She closed her eyes, and drifted off into sleep, knowing she only had a few minutes...

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