Chapter 11

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Lemur leaped into the air. She and glare has been living from seaweed everywhere, but as soon as the flood water dried up, it was clear he wasn't in the rainforest.most of the eggs had been found, all never to hatch, and only 4 dragons had died. 3 rainwings, one nightwing. Maybe in seawing, but probably not. Queen sunshine had gotten the mudwing death count, 2.

But seaweed still hasn't been found. Lemur had actually started asking, but no one could tell her what she wanted to hear. But if course, there was one place Lemur hadn't checked. a place she hadn't been able to go since the flood. 

She emerged from the bushes and into the beach, and looked around. No one was there.

"Sea?" Lemur called, to get no reply . "Sea where are you?"

 She began walking along the beach, looking. Of course he wasn't there! Lemur sighed, and spread her wings, ready to take off. She'd come back, since sea was probably just in the ocean. Maybe. If he was alive.

 "Ha! I enchant this Dragon to fly over here!" Lemur jumped at the voice .

Then she felt her wings being lifted off the ground, and flying into a tree. Then it stopped. 

 "s-sea?" Lemur choked. He was an animus after all, if glare had been telling the truth . "Sea!" She gasped as she saw her seawing friend in a branch above her, smiling .

 "Hey lemur." He responded .

 "Seaweed your an animus! It's true! Wait... You shouldn't use your magic, probably." Lemur exclaimed .

 "Don't worry. It's not like I'm going to do anything bad with it! " Seaweed laughed. "You were looking for me this entire time?"

 " Of course! " Lemur answered. "Why wouldn't I be?"

 " Uh, dunno. Glare might've been... You know. "

 "More in love?" Lemur grinned . "Didn't think it was possible! She's challenged me a few times though. Need let common argument is that she was the first Dragon told about your power."

 " true. I was at jade mountain for a bit, before I decided to leave. I didn't really like it there. There's a bit enough ocean! " Seaweed told lemur.

 "Nice. So... Did the flood so anything to you. The seawings?" Lemur asked .

 "It flooded the story telling hall, but it's the only thing currently above ground, so that's it. We're seawings anyway, all we need to do is wait a bit before the ball dries up to have more story's. " Sea replied.

Lemur nodded, and jumped out of the tree. The sand was warm, and a little to wet, but she didn't care. No matter how bad hee life had seemed to be, it had gotten better. Yes, her grandma had lied. Toucan was probably going to be sad. But it's fine. Lemur had seaweed.

She cast a glance back at sea, and said "oh, and I think toucan is going to love this!"

 " Oh yeah. He likes you? " Sea asked.

 "He confessed earlier today. It was silly. He said 'uh, hey lemur, I kinda like you.' And then turned invisible. It was also awkward. And silly."

Seaweed snorted . "Well" he said, leaping out of the tree to sit beside her. " I have a feeling he's going to have to give you up. "

"Maybe." Lemur said. " I kind of do too. "

And the pair sat there, smiling, for a long time. Life was better. It would always be better. They flood was over. The lies were over. Lemur felt good.

 Lemur felt good

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