Chapter 2

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Daan's pov:

"Daan get up, we need to pick up Anna!" Dom shouted from outside the spare bedroom that they had let me stay in. It was my room before I met Max but when we started getting more serious, he decided that I should move into his place.

"Ugh" I rolled out of bed. I was excited for the game because I wanted to kick some ass and score some goals, however I wasn't excited about getting questioned by Dom and Sari about why I was there and when I was going back. My plan was to stay at Sari and Dom's for a few days until I build up the courage to tell them what had really happened between me and Max, then wait until he goes to work one day to go back and get the rest of my belongings. As I was planning how to tell Sari and Dom, I was rudely interrupted by Sari walking into my room and pulling the covers off of me. "Hey, what did you do that for?" "We need to pick up Anna in 20 minutes and it takes us 10 minutes to get there," Sari said. When she went to put my covers back on my bed, she saw the marks on my body. She looked at me with a worried expression but i didn't want to talk about it so i got up and got ready.

We picked up Anna and got to the pitch with 2 minutes to spare. Everyone was already there, waiting for us so when we walked in they asked us if we had gotten lost on the way there or something. But as usual Dom and Sari blamed us being late on me because that seems to be the running joke among the rest of the girls. I don't like it cause it makes me feel bad and like i let them down on purpose but i do try my best to be on time for them.

As we sat down, Pedro walked in to start the brief on the game later. I didn't really pay much attention to it as usual, but I did hear him saying something about being aware of their best player - Beth Mead.

After the meeting, I decided to look up Beth on Instagram. She seems cute, I thought to myself. After a while, some of the girls noticed that i had been staring at my phone for a while and snatched it off of me to see what i was looking at.

Leah - "oooh dvd, you got a love interest?"

DC - "i don't think you'll be able to get her, she looks straight"

Mitchy - "eyeing up the opponent already i see"

Jordan - "i think she's Bi but don't be trying anything with her dvd, she gets nervous easily"

Alex - "come on girls, you can talk about all this after the game, we need to win this game"

I tried to not get annoyed but I could feel it building up inside me.

Time skip to end of match:

Beth's POV:

We lost 5-1. That didn't go as planned. We thought that they would score two against us, not five. They played really well and you could see why they won almost everything in the past.

One of their players really stood out for me today. That was their no.21. She stuck with me the whole game, even when the ball was half way up the field and she was needed there. I would've had more chances and possibly more goals if she wasn't there. There was something mesmerising about the way she ran around without a care in the world and laughed about anything. At half time she came up to me and said "you're Beth aren't you?", "I can tell how good you are, you live up to expectations". After that she ran off into the changing rooms. I was left dazed and confused at what the small brunette had said to me. A few of my teammates noticed and came over to me asking what we spoke about. I told them that for some reason she already knew who I was and that was all she had said to me.  They all started saying that I had a love interest and that I should ask her out for a coffee after the match.

After thinking about what my teammates had said to me at half time, I decided to go for it. I wasn't going to lose anything. I will only see her twice a year in the league if she stays in England and things don't go well. This was my chance. I slowly walked up to her, she must have heard me coming because she turned around as I was about to touch her shoulder. As she turned around the sun began to shine on her, making her look like an angel. Here goes nothing.

B: "heyyyy"

D: "hey"

B: "you played well today"

D: "you too! Well done for scoring against Sari, not many people can do that"

B: "thanks"

D: ......

As Daan turned to walk off after our awkward conversation I quickly reached out and tapped her shoulder. As she turned around I saw her wincing but decided to not say anything about it cause she probably would've pulled it during training.

D: "what's up"

B: " uhh...I was wondering if... you would....errm.... like to go out for coffee later"

D: " yeah...sure, I wouldn't miss an opportunity to go out with a cutie like you"

B: "I don't really know anywhere around here so you can choose where we go"

D: "how about Charlie's Coffee Company? It's only round the corner from here."

B: "sure! I don't have long though cause I have to get the train back home"

D: "meet me in the car park at 15:00 where the media vans are, no fans go around there"

B: "okay, see you soon!"

D: "Byeeee"

During that I noticed how Daan looked at the ground for most of the conversation but I didn't want to ask what was wrong in case I ruined my chances with her.

It gets betterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon