Chapter 3

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Daan's POV:

I decided to go out for coffee with Beth now so I could get away from Sari and Dom so they wouldn't question me as soon as we got back from the game. I also thought it would be a good idea to get my mind off of what has been going on between myself and Max.

I quickly showered so I could meet Beth on time because I didn't want to keep her waiting outside in the cold. I had a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt in my bag cause i don't always go straight home anyway so i put them on and started to do my hair. As I was doing this Katie noticed that I was putting more effort into my hair than I usually do. "Oooh dvd!, who are you dressing up for?" "a girl from Sunderland asked me if I wanted to go for a coffee, so I thought I would". "It's nothing to do with Beth, who you were stalking on Instagram, is it?" she asked. At this point I didn't want to talk about it anymore in case I said something that I might regret and they might make fun of me for. I quickly put everything back in my bag and put it into Sari and Dom's car so i didn't have to carry it around with me.

Beth's Pov: (happening at the same time as Daan)

I can't believe i just did that. I'm even more surprised that she agreed to going for coffee. When i was talking to her i noticed a different side to her from when she is on the pitch. On the pitch she is feisty and does anything she can to make sure she has the ball. Off the pitch, when I was talking to her, she seemed calm and outgoing.

I went into my bag to get the things I needed for the shower and I realised that I had only brought my towel. Luckily, there was some shower gel provided which wasn't the best but got the job done. The only problem was that there wasn't anything to wash my hair with so I just put it in a bun while I was showering. I got out and quickly got dressed. I only had my Sunderland tracksuit with me cause I wasn't expecting to go out for coffee so I just threw that on and re-tied my hair into a ponytail. I messaged Daan if she knew of anywhere I could store my bag whilst we went for coffee because I didn't really want to carry it around with me. She said that I could put it in her teammate's car so it would be safe. As I was walking out of the changing room I told my teammates not to worry about me if I wasn't on the train back to Sunderland.

I walked out of the changing room and around the back of the media vans as Daan had told me to meet her there. She wasn't there. I started thinking that she wouldn't turn up. What if she had other plans? What if she said yes just to get me away from her? My heart was racing. I pulled my phone out to see if she had messaged me to say that she couldn't do it anymore. I was just about to type 'we were still on for coffee' when I heard footsteps running behind me and felt a finger on both sides of my ribs. I screamed and almost dropped my phone. "What was that for?" I asked. "what was what for?" she replied making it seem like i was feeling things. We put my bag in her teammate's car and started walking to the coffee shop because neither of us had driven to the pitch, luckily it wasn't that far.

We got to the coffee shop that Daan had suggested. It was really cute and cozy. The smell of coffee was wafting up our noses, it smelt really good. We decided to sit in the corner, next to the window.

Daan's Pov:

It's really cozy in here. That's why I wanted to share this space with Beth. I usually come here when Max is angry and I don't want to deal with it. I decided that I was going to pay for the food and drinks because I was late to meet Beth and I scared her a bit. I ordered everything and sat down across from Beth because they said that they would bring it to us because there weren't that many people in there. As I sat down, the sun shone through the window which made Beth's eyes look really blue and beautiful.

We sat there drinking our coffee and talking about anything and everything. We were both enjoying each other's company when Beth realised the time. "Oh shit, my train leaves in 3 minutes!". We both knew that she wouldn't make it to the train station in time so we decided to walk down to the train station to see if there were any other trains going to Sunderland today and much to our surprise, there weren't any! "You can stay with me, Sari and Dom for the night if you want". "I would appreciate that since I have nowhere else to sleep tonight," she said.

I texted Dom our situation and she agreed that it would be the best idea for Beth to stay with us as her bag was already at Sari and Dom's. We decided to walk back to the house since it was a nice evening and we didn't want to stand waiting outside for a taxi.

We got home and Beth looked really nervous because she hadn't met Sari and Dom before. "You'll be fine, they're the nicest people you'll ever meet". "I think i've already met the nicest person I'll ever meet," she said. "Oh yeah, who will that be?"I questioned. "Erm...the nicest person i'll ever meet is you. You've done so much for me and we've only known each other for  a day". When she said that, my heart melted. I wondered why I was still with Max when I could be with someone as kind and caring as Beth. As I was about to answer her, Sari opened the door with a puzzled look on her face "you can come in you know, you don't need to be stood out here all night". We both giggled and walked into the house. I introduced Beth to Sari and Dom, they seemed to like each other which is a bonus. We sat on the sofa watching a series for a while when I felt something heavy on my shoulder. Beth had fallen asleep. It was at that point that I realised that we had no spare bed or bedroom. "Do you think she'll be okay with sharing a bed with me for a night," I asked Dom. "Well she knows you the best and we don't have any spare beds for her to sleep in so she will have to be okay with it" she answered.

I then decided that it would be a good idea to carry Beth up to my room so she could sleep comfortably. She was surprisingly light and easy to carry. I laid her in my bed and I got ready for bed myself. I crawled under the covers and set an alarm for tomorrow so Beth doesn't miss her train. As I put my phone down, the blonde cuddled up to me, which made me feel safe.  I fell asleep shortly after.

Sorry for the irregular chapter lengths

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