Chapter 4

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Daan's POV:

I woke up to my alarm screaming. I turned it off thinking that I had just left it on accidentally and forgot that we had an off day. I then felt something squishy under my head. It seemed to be softer than my pillow and my mattress which made me confused. I moved my head and realised what it was... I was laying on top of Beth. I quickly jumped out of bed, not wanting her to realise what had happened, and walked downstairs to make us all coffee and pancakes for breakfast.

After I had finished making everyone breakfast I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I was praying that it wasn't Beth because I didn't want to know if she knew that I was asleep on her and that it wasn't Sari because I didn't want her to talk to me about Max.

I sat there in angst, drinking my coffee and waiting for someone to walk around the corner. It was Dom. I exhaled deeply, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. She looked at me confused for a second but then saw the food I had left on the table and asked if I had made it. I nodded my head, with a smile on my face because I was proud of what I had made. She then looked at me with a stern look which wiped the smile off of my face immediately, thinking I had done something wrong. "I have two questions for you Daan," she said. I gulped thinking about what she was about to say. "What are they?",I asked, worried. "One, why are you up so early, two, why don't you cook more often, these pancakes are really good!". I sighed in relief that they were her questions. "Well, I set an alarm so I could make sure Beth got to the train station in time but I set it an hour early and I didn't want to go back to sleep. And I don't cook that often because when I cooked for my teammates at PSV, they all made fun of it and said that it was bad".

After this I decided that I should go and see if Beth is awake cause I didn't want her to be stuck with us for another day and miss out on her training. I walked into the room we were both staying in and saw that she was still asleep. She looked so peaceful and cute. Omg daan you shouldn't be thinking about her in that way, you've only known her for a day! I walked into the room and sat on the bed next to her and gently tapped her arm whilst telling her to wake up. She slowly turned over to face me and opened her beautiful blue eyes. I didn't realise I was staring at her until I heard her say "good morning cutie". My heart melted and I started to feel my cheeks go warm, I quickly turned my head to the side to hide it. "Good morning, i've made pancakes and coffee downstairs if you want any". "Ooh okay, I'll have some when i'm dressed" she said with a smile on her face.

I walked out of the room and went back downstairs again to watch a series. I didn't really pay much attention to it because my mind kept processing what had happened between me and Beth in the past 24 hours. It didn't seem like much to most people, but to Daan it was the best thing that had happened to her in awhile. At the same time I was thinking about Beth, my mind kept flashing back to Max and what he did to me. I was thinking of ways to end things with him without him getting angry and thinking of the right time to tell Sari and Dom about everything.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Beth say "thanks for the pancakes Daan, they're amazing!" I smiled to myself because people were finally appreciating my cooking, and not making fun of it. "When's your train then?" Dom asked Beth. "Erm, 12:47 so I'll have to get there for half 12 in case it's a bit early". "Aah okay" said Dom. "I'll drive you to the train station so you don't have to get a taxi," I said, hoping to spend a bit more time with her. "Thanks, I appreciate it!" she said before going back upstairs to continue getting ready.

I then heard her shout at me from upstairs. I wondered what I had done and started to go over everything that had happened in the past 24 hours again. I walked up the stairs procrastinating. I got to the room we were both staying in and she was sitting on the bed, trying to scrub something off of her jumper.

D: "What's wrong?"

B: "Do you have anything that can get this stain out of my jacket, it must be from yesterday?"

D: "The only thing we have is laundry detergent"

B: "Oh okay"

D: "You can have one of my hoodies to travel back in if you want"

B: "are you sure"

D: "of course. If you don't want to keep it, you can give it back to me when we next beat you in the league!"

B: "So either way you're never going to get it back!"

D: "We'll see about that" "we should get going soon, if you actually want to get home today"

I started to get myself ready to take Beth to the train station and then went back downstairs to carry on watching the series I was watching before Beth wanted me. It got to 11:45 and Beth walked down the stairs saying that she was ready to go to the train station. I saw that she was wearing one of my old Oranje hoodies which I found really cute. I got up and got my car keys whilst Beth thanked Dom for letting her stay there. She would've thanked Sari as well but she was still asleep. We walked out of the house and got into my car. We sat in a comfortable silence until we got to the train station. We got there 15 minutes early so i decided to go in there with Beth to keep her company and to keep her safe in case anything happened to her. We sat there talking about anything and everything until it was announced that Beth's train was arriving in 5 minutes and it was advised that all the passengers went to the platform so the train won't be late to any of its other stops. We quickly exchanged numbers in case anything happened to Beth on her way back and so we could keep in contact with each other.

"Goodbye Daan, thank you for everything you have done for me" she said as she hugged me. "Bye Beth, it's the least we could've done. I can't wait to see you again!" I said as she started to walk to her platform. For some reason I got a bit emotional. I got back into my car and drove back to Sari and Dom's realising what conversation was going to happen when I got there and Sari was awake.

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