Chapter 9

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Beth's POV:

We got back to my car and decided to start heading back to my house since the arsenal coach would've left by now. We both got in and I saw that Daan was struggling to stay awake. "You can sleep you know". "I know, I was just thinking". "What were you thinking about?" "I was just thinking about how nice this afternoon has been with you," Daan said, starting to blush. "Aww, i've had fun with you as well and you don't have to hide that blush from me, it's cute" ffs Beth, you called her cute, you weren't meant to say that. She just giggled at that and fell asleep. I took my jacket off and laid it over her, just to keep her warm. As I was driving I kept getting distracted by the way Daan looked so peaceful and innocent as she slept.

Eventually, we got back to my house and so I had to wake Daan up. "Hey, you need to wake up," I said while prodding her in the side a bit. She slowly stirred and made some slight grunting noises, insinuating that she didn't want to be woken up. "what's up?" she asked in a sleepy voice. "We're back at my house sleeping beauty". She slowly got out of the car and wrapped my jacket around her shoulders. It was a very cute sight to see.

She walked into my house and said "where am I sleeping then?" "well you can either sleep in my bed with me or sleep on the sofa" I said whilst admiring her sleepy face. "Is it okay if i sleep with you?" "yeah sure, just don't steal the covers".

We both walked to my room and started to get ready for bed. I couldn't help but sneakily watch her change, her body was amazing but she did have a couple of bruises here and there but she probably got them from playing football so I didn't question them. Suddenly, she turned back around in my direction so I quickly turned my attention to sorting my clothes out from today. "You can take a closer look if you want" I heard her say. Turns out I had left the room and a tomato had taken my place. "Aww don't be embarrassed, I do the same to you but you just don't notice it" she said shyly. "You've just outed yourself there you know" I said, holding back my laughter. "I know, I just didn't want you to be embarrassed on your own," she said, playing with her fingers. God she looks so cute standing there. 

After a while of just standing there admiring each other, we both got under the covers and cuddled up to each other. "Goodnight Daan" I whispered in her ear. "Goodnight Beffie" she replied, making me giggle at the nickname she had given me. It didn't take us long to fall asleep cause we felt safe in each other's arms.

*The next morning*

I woke up to sunlight shining in my eyes, probably because I was too tired to shut my curtains last night, and a weight on my chest, which was a sleeping Daan. I decided to check my phone for a bit since I didn't want to wake Daan up. I checked for train times down to London and it looked like there was only one train running now and it was in 2 hours so we needed to get up.

I tried to wake her up gently by whispering in her ear but she still wasn't moving so I decided that it would be easier to wake her up by prodding her in her side. "Why am I getting poked?" she asked in a sleepy voice, slowly opening her eyes. "You're getting poked cause the only train to London leaves in about 2 hours and we still need to get there," I said almost in one breath. Her eyes widened as she jumped out of my bed "oh shit, why didn't you wake me earlier!" "I've only just woke up myself," I said, also rushing about to get ready.

We were both ready in 45 minutes but we still had to get to the train station which usually takes 30 minutes depending on the traffic.

We grabbed all of Daan's stuff and jumped in the car to the station and much to our surprise, every set of lights we hit were red. I could tell that this was making Daan really stressed so I placed my hand on her leg and just squeezed it a bit just to make her aware that everything will be okay. She seemed to calm down after that. Eventually, we got to the train station with enough time for us to get a coffee before Daan had to leave.

We sat down at a table, slowly drank our coffees and talked about anything and everything until the person on the speaker told everyone on Daan's train to get to the platform as soon as they could because the train was nearly there. We both stood up and hugged each other goodbye since I wasn't allowed on the platform without a ticket. "Bye Daan, have a safe journey," I said, holding back tears I didn't know were there. "Aww, don't cry Beffie, thank you for the past 24 hours, they were really fun" she said softly, wiping the single tear that had fallen out of my eye. "Hopefully we can meet up in the summer and go somewhere for longer," she said, trying to cheer me up. "I'd like that," I said, smiling a bit. "So would I," she said, laughing a bit. "I need to go now or else I'll never get back to London" "oh, okay, message me when you get back so I know you're safe". I sound like I'm her mother. "I will, see ya!"

I watched her walk over to her platform and then went back to my car. For some reason I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I feel like something's going to happen to Daan...

Thank you for reading my story so far, the updates will probably start to get less frequent since my teachers think that it's a good idea to set us a lot of homework since we are learning from home.

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