Chapter 10

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*trigger warning - kidnap and abuse*

Skip to the next chapter you won't miss anything.

Daan's POV:

I'm a bit sad that I'm leaving Beth so early because of how close we have gotten recently, but I need to get back to London for training. I sort of have an uneasy feeling in my stomach, like somethings going to happen to me but I just brush it off as nerves. For some reason I always get nervous when I travel, I seem to overthink if I'm on the right train and am going to the right place. Most of the time I am going to the right place, however once I was on a train to Manchester, I ended up falling asleep and waking up in Glasgow. I still have no idea how I got there because my ticket said that my train terminated in Sheffield and then went back to London. Oh well, suppose I'll never know.

After a while of reminiscing about my past train experiences, I decided to call Beth just to ease my mind and give me someone to talk to. She seems to calm me down a lot.

Eventually, I got back to London and it was dark out. I messaged Beth saying that I was back in London but I wasn't back home yet. I decided to take an uber back home because I didn't want to bother Sari and Dom because they were probably eating their tea (dinner if you're from the south). I walked out of the train station and found my uber, unfortunately the driver was a man which made me feel a little uneasy. Oh well, not all men are bad. I told the driver where to go and so we set off. We get half way back and the driver seems friendly because he was talking about his family and all the good times he has had with them. I was just getting over my nerves, the car stopped and the door I was sitting next to swung open.

I was pulled from the seat I was in and thrown into the back of another vehicle with something over my face so I couldn't see anything. I could hear voices but couldn't make out who they belonged to or what they were saying. I tried to shout for help but nothing happened. Nobody could hear me. Why didn't I just phone Sari and Dom? This is my own fault. I decided to give up struggling until I knew that I was in a building. The vehicle i was in was being driven really fast so i was being thrown all over.

After a while the vehicle stopped and I prepared myself for the worst. I was dragged out my arms and didn't get a chance to stand up properly so my legs were dragged along the road and into a room. The blindfold was ripped off of my face, revealing one of the kidnappers wearing boots with steel toe caps. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what was going to happen.

He pushed me to the floor and started to kick me in the stomach. He moved down to my legs and started to strike my legs with a wooden stake. I tried not to make any noise in case he saw it as a sign of weakness and would make the pain worse. He then picked me up and carried me into another room where the concrete floor was covered in pins and smashed glass. And much to my surprise, he dropped me onto it. I felt my rib crack and then blacked out.

After some time, I came back around and immediately regretted it. I could feel pain shooting all through my body and could hardly move. I looked around and couldn't see anyone or anyway to get out. I then realised who would do this to me...Max.

As soon as I realised who was behind all of this, the very person walked through the door. You could see the anger in his eyes. You could almost see steam coming out of his ears. He marched over to me and punched me in the jaw multiple times. Tears started to build up in my eyes but I didn't let them out because then he would think that he won. "You don't break up with me, I break up with you, understand?" he spat in my face. I tried to avoid looking at him so he couldn't get the satisfaction he wanted. He grabbed my face and pulled it so I was looking into his eyes. I could still see the anger in his eyes but i could see something else in them, a sense of evil, almost like he wasn't done with whatever he was trying to do.

He swiftly picked me up and slung me over his shoulder and took me to a smaller room within the building. The whole room looked like it was made out of concrete. It smelt old and musty, like the building had been abandoned for a long time. There was also a slight hint of petrol but that was probably from what the building was used for in the past. They wouldn't burn me, would they?

Suddenly, a man in a balaclava walked into the room and started to tie my arms together. I started to struggle and tried to get him off of me because I'd had enough of all of it and wanted to go home. That didn't help me, it just made things worse, he clipped a chain onto what was attached to my arms and started to turn a wheel. He was slowly pulling me up so my feet could only just touch the floor. Max and the other man left the room and locked the door so I couldn't get out.

I was stuck. I couldn't get down. Nobody knew where I was. I didn't tell Sari and Dom when I was going to get back so they probably won't suspect anything for another couple of days. Beth probably thought that I was home and had forgotten to text her. I started to think about how close me and Beth had got in such a short space of time. It felt like I could trust her with anything even though I'd known her for two months. Tears started pouring out of my eyes as I thought about her. I miss being cuddled up in her arms. I miss our conversations about random things. I miss her.

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