Chapter 13

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Beth's POV:

I really wanted to kiss her at that moment. I wanted her to know that everything would be fine, that everything that she has been through is in the past and that things will get better from now on. Unfortunately for me, I decided to give her a gentle hug so I wasn't crossing any boundaries and so I wouldn't hurt her.

As I went into the embrace, I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in, I felt that it was probably because I was glad that she was okay. I was about to let go when I heard that Daan was sobbing. I slowly raised her head so she was looking at me and asked "what's wrong? Are you in pain? What can I do to help?"

"" she answered through broken sobs. My heart hurt hearing this. I couldn't imagine being so far away from my family and then getting injured, that's why I felt so lucky playing for Sunderland since it was only an hour's drive back home. "Hey," I said, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, "you don't need to apologise for crying but we'll call your family when we get you home if you want". She just nodded and smiled at that but then I saw her face turning again "we might have to wait until the morning though cause they don't like to be woken up in the middle of the night" she said with a little laugh at the end.  "Are you sure you're okay with waiting?" I asked. "Yes, it's fine," she answered quietly.

I went to sit back down on the chair in the corner of the room, but as I did, she grabbed my hand. I turned around as she pulled me back to the bed she was sitting on.

I looked down at Daan and my heart could have melted. She just looked so cute sitting there. How could she look this good after everything that has happened to her tonight?

Her brown eyes glistened in the light and her lips looked so full. I just wanted to kiss her.

Daan's POV:

I'm so grateful to have Beth here with me. If it wasn't for her, Dom and Sari probably wouldn't have found me.

As she went to sit down, I pulled her back since I didn't feel like being away from her yet. She stood in front of me and looked a bit confused as to why I pulled her back.

I feel like Beth is my guardian angel since she seems to make everything better when I am around her. I need her in my life. I can't let her get away. I could tell that she was staring at me so I decided to take my shot. I lent up to kiss her and she slowly lent in.

My lips were just about to touch hers when her phone started to ring.

We both jumped back and turned into giant tomatoes. "Sari and Dom are waiting for us. You ready to go?" Beth said whilst looking into my eyes. "Yeah sure, can we continue whatever this was later?" I asked, hoping she would give the answer I wanted. "Of course we can," she said with a huge smile on her face.

With that I got up and linked my arm around Beth's. She picked up my bag and we started to walk out of the hospital.  In reality, I didn't need to hold onto her, but I liked the way she cared for me so much, and didn't want her to let me go.

After a short walk to the entrance, we found Sari and Dom, and jumped in the car. Both me and Beth were in the back of the car where there wasn't much room so we pretty much cuddled each other the whole ride home, and to be honest, I didn't mind it.

After we got back home, Sari and Dom left Pedro a message telling him that none of us would be at training and then went to bed, leaving myself and Beth alone...again.

We sat cuddled on the sofa whilst watching a random show when Beth turned to me and said something to me. I didn't hear it because I was too busy looking into her blue eyes, which she noticed. She waved her hand in front of my face and said "Staring is rude you know".

"Huh?" I said whilst feeling my face turn a bright shade of red.

"I asked you if you were tired and where I should sleep?" she said, now looking into my eyes.

"You can either sleep down here on the sofa, or you could sleep in my room with me" I said, trying not to bite my lips whilst looking at her.

"Can I share with you? If you don't mind?" she said in an almost silent voice. I nodded and got up. I pulled her up with me and we quickly ran up the stairs to my room.

"You can get changed in here, I'll go into the bathroom," I said to her, trying not to make her feel uncomfortable. She nodded and I walked away to get changed. When I got to the bathroom I realised that I couldn't really move my arms above my head because it hurt my ribs.

I slowly walked back to my room and knocked on the door in case Beth was still changing. She opened the door and looked confused. "Why haven't you got changed?" "I can't move my arms above my head because of my ribs," I said in a sad tone.

"Oh well, it looks like you're stuck in that top until your ribs heal then" she said with a smile.

"Can't you help me?" I asked whilst looking deep into her eyes. She looked quite nervous at the request but she eventually obliged.

After a few minutes of struggling to get out of my clothes, I was free. However, I was pretty sure that I saw Beth staring for longer than she should have. "You know staring is rude, right?" I said to get Beth out of her trance. She stopped staring and started to turn into a tomato. Seeing her embarrassed made me feel bad for calling her out like that so I decided that now was the time.

I slowly walked towards her and said "I was only joking, you can stare if you want," whilst looking deep into her eyes. I slowly caressed her cheek, and she looked into my eyes. I briefly saw her drop her eyes down to my lips. I had my chance. I slowly leaned in and kissed her softly on her lips. It felt like fireworks were going off in my stomach, I had been wanting to do this to her ever since I met her.

I pulled back from the kiss and said "you're okay with this aren't you". She didn't reply with any words since she pulled me back for a longer and deeper kiss.

Sorry for not updating in a while, I just lost all motivation for everything, but I'll try to start updating regularly again.

On another note, so much has happened since I last updated and I'm really not looking forward to the transfer window opening.

Anyway, thank you for reading so far, and being patient with the story 🙂

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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