Chapter 12

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Beth's POV:

I was really happy that we had found Daan, yes she was hurt but at least she was alive. When we were looking for her, my mind was racing and thinking about the worst outcome. I kept thinking about the good times we had together, unfortunately there weren't very many but the memories we did have would last a lifetime...with me anyway. It was then when I realised I wanted something with Daan, I wanted to be more than friends but did she?

We'd only known each other for a couple of months and we've only been together a handful of times. Although in between all those times, we were always together virtually. We were always texting, on facetime or calling each other. I'm pretty sure our housemates were fed up with it.

Before we got Daan back, our plan was to go back to Sari and Dom's to relax and figure things out, however, with the state Daan was in, it would make more sense to go to the hospital first, to get Daan checked out. None of us knew what the man in the mask did but the fact that she could hardly walk without shouting out in pain worried us.

After what felt like a lifetime, we got to the hospital and took the brunette into A&E. Luckily, it was quite late so not many people were waiting so she should get seen quickly, although it did look like all of the drunk people were getting seen first, probably so they could get them in and out as soon as possible.

It felt like we had been in there a lifetime when a doctor came in and went "urh...Danielle van de donk". We all looked at each other, stood up and helped Daan into the room which the doctor had led us to. "Is it okay if only one of you stays with her?" he asked in case there was an emergency in which we needed to leave the building. We all looked at each other and then prompted Daan to say something. "Errm, can Beff stay?" she asked in a croaky and broken voice. "Sure, we'll be out there waiting if you need us, '' Dom said as she and Sari left the room.

The doctor started to ask Daan about what had happened but as she started telling him what had happened, she broke down. I pulled her into a hug and tried to explain what had happened as best as I could but I couldn't tell him about what had happened before we turned up.  He decided that it would be easier if he just asked her where it hurt so he could do some tests. After finding out where Daan was in pain, he walked out of the room, probably so he could get the things he needed to test her.

As he walked out of the room, Daan turned to me and said "thank you for saving me" in a hoarse voice. "You'd have to thank Sari and Dom for knowing their way around the streets here," I said jokingly as I grabbed her hand. "But you mean the most to me," she said softly, looking into my eyes. I quickly looked away because I was starting to blush.

Was this her saying that she likes me? No, it can't be. She probably doesn't even know what she's saying at the moment. Yes I like her back but she's just been through a lot so i'll leave the conversation there for now.

I was about to answer her when the doctor walked back into the room. "Since you said that you had pain all over your body, we thought that it would be best if you went for a CT scan, so we can check your whole body." We both nodded since it would be the quickest way to find out what had happened internally.

"When will she be going?" I asked, holding Daans hand a little tighter, not wanting to let go quite just yet. "In a few minutes we will start taking her up now," he replied. "Will I be able to go with her?" I asked, not wanting to leave her side. "No, sorry, she will be going into a controlled area, but you can wait in the waiting room outside while she is in there," he said with a reassuring smile on his face.

As he said that a porter came into the room to help Daan onto a bed that they will transport her to CT on. She still couldn't stand properly so I carefully picked her up and placed her back down onto the bed, leaving a kiss on her forehead. She blushed slightly but then was wheeled off to CT.

As Daan was wheeled out of the room, I walked into the waiting room and sat next to Sari and Dom. They both looked bored out of their minds but worried at what the outcome would be. "Daan's gone off to CT for a bit so we have some time to get food," I said while sitting in a chair opposite them. They both looked up at me and nodded...they looked really tired. "Actually, why don't you two go home and get some rest? I'll stay here with Daan," as I said this a small smile formed on Dom's face. "You don't have to stay, you know. You've done so much for her already, it's you who deserves a rest," Dom stated. "I know but I feel like I need to, it was my fault she missed the bus back to London," I replied.

"Beth, I have a question for you, you don't need to answer it if you don't want to but I'd prefer it if you did," Sari suddenly spoke up. "Uhm, yeah, sure, what is it?" I asked nervously. I had a feeling about what the question was but then again it's Sari so she could come out with anything. "Again, you don't need to answer but is there something going on between you two?" she asked in a serious tone. Dom suddenly hit Sari in the shoulder, getting her to shut up. "Not the right time to ask that" Dom hissed at her. "No, it's fine, there's nowt going on between us at the moment," I said, wishing that I could say yes. "At the moment? So you would like there to be something in the future?" Sari said, wiggling her eyebrows. Dom shot her a warning glare. "It's fine Dom, she's not here," calming her down a bit. "I want there to be something between us but I don't know if she feels the same," I admitted quietly, whilst looking towards the floor. "I think she feels the same. She's always talking about you and when she's not you can tell that she's always thinking about you" Sari said smiling. That made my heart warm up. It made me really happy to hear that. Maybe I might try to make a move. As I was processing what I had just been told, the doctor called us through to say that we could see the small brunette.

We all stood up as quickly as possible and followed him into the room where Daan was. When we walked in, she was asleep, which wasn't surprising considering what she'd been through in the past 24 hours. Dom and Sari sat on one side of the bed whilst I sat on the other, taking a hold of her hand without realising what I was doing until I saw Dom and Sari smiling at me. I decided that it was best to ignore their smiles and carried on holding Daan's hand, hoping that it would make her feel a bit better, although she probably wasn't aware of what was happening.

After about 5 minutes of sitting there, Daan's eyes started to flutter open. "I'll go and get the doctor," Sari said, quickly walking out of the room. "Hey, how are you?" I asked, trying to make conversation with her.  "My ribs and legs hurt but apart from that I feel fine," she said to our relief, holding onto my hand a little bit tighter which made me smile. As she said that, myself and Dom both let out a breath that we didn't know that we were holding in. Dom was about to say something when Sari walked back into the room with the doctor, who was hopefully bearing good news. As the doctor walked into the room, Daan started to squeeze my hand, probably because she was nervous about the results. Knowing her, she probably had her mind set on playing on sunday, but knowing what she had just been through, that probably wasn't going to happen.

"Right, so i have some news for you." The doctor started out as Daan nodded her head slightly. "So, you've broken a few ribs but apart from that, you've gotten off quite lightly. You have some bruising to your legs, which you can probably feel," we all sighed, thankful that her injuries weren't that serious. "I've prescribed her some pain killers because when your ribs heal, it can be quite painful. Your injuries aren't serious enough for us to keep you in overnight, although if you do have any problems, you will have to come back," he explained. "How long will I be out for?" Daan asked quietly. "Erm, well you'll be out for 6-8 weeks, depending on if there are any complications in the healing process unfortunately."

After hearing this, tears started to form in her eyes. "I'll go and get the car so you don't have to walk that far," Sari said, jumping up out of her seat, leaving myself, Dom and Daan sat in the room. Then Dom decided that she would go and pick up Daan's medication so we wouldn't have to come back to the hospital to get it tomorrow. I then caught on to what they were doing. They were leaving me and Daan in the same room.

As if by magic, both me and Daan were then left in the room together...alone, i wonder if anything will happen. Probably not, we're literally in a hospital and Daan's just nearly died so nothing will happen, right?

I'm so sorry for not updating earlier, but thank you for reading so far 🙃

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