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When the sun shines,
we shine together
Told you I'll be here forever...


"Please don't tell me you're actually whipping something together for us." TJ held back a groan once he walked into the kitchen.

Just to see Nene, her swim suit replaced with skinny jeans and a peach t-shirt. A good indication that she was all dressed and ready to leave.

The darker girl glanced up, upon hearing his voice, an eye roll accompanying a middle finger was aimed at him. "You should be lucky I'm feeding your sorry ass. Is Jiki back?"

She asked, making her way to the kitchen island with takeaways in both hands.

Out of rage, the fairer boy had driven out without uttering a word of his way about.  While Elo had locked himself up after his sister left. Partly finding himself guilty of all she had accused him of doing.

"Not yet." He hoisted himself on the marble island. "I'd rather have you hurling words at me than feeding me."

The darker girl's hand made to her chest, feigning a hurt expression. "Okay that hit straight." She placed a plate before him. "It's not like I'm gonna feed you poison."

"Oh trust me, poison is way better option."

She hit his chest, causing him to yelp. "You idiot! You're lucky I already ordered these. Your ungrateful ass would have gone to bed without food."

His sent her a grin that didn't quite reach his eyes, his hands running through his hair. "You're the best Nens. But I'll save this for later."

He pushed the plate aside.

Nene sighed, plopping beside him. "Have you spoken to her yet?"

"No, she doesn't want to see anyone." His hand made to his neck to relieve it of it's static state. "I can't get my thoughts together knowing that she's in so much pain. It's like she's put up the barricades again, limiting me from reaching out to her."

The darker girl's eyes hardened. "That bitch really pushed her limits this time," she gritted out. "She's so lucky she's related to El, cos God knows, I'd have beaten the living daylight out of her!"

At the mention of Abike, TJ couldn't help but feel a great deal of irritation. He'd never imagined that she'd stoop as low as clapping back with a topic of such sentimental value. He blamed himself for all that had happened, knowing fully well that, Abike's animosity towards Chimdi had something to do with him.

He'd always wished for her to be happy -- always wanted her to be happy, too bad he was doing a shitty job with all that had gone down. He couldn't get the image out of his head, seeing her battling for control, had him undone.

He buried his head into his palm, trying to rid himself of his haunting thought. "This is totally my fault."

"Why the hell do you think it's your fault?" The melanin bombshell queried, staring him straight in the face, her eyes narrowing at him.

"Oh no you didn't! Was this your plan? You had this all planned out with Abike or were you leading her on, thinking you can just do away with her and focus on my best friend?"

The boy's face turned pale. "What the fuck are you saying? You think I'll do such a thing?"

She shrugged. "That's the only thing my brain could put together since you said it's all your fault."

He came down the island, lividly pacing back and forth. "Look Nens, I might be far from a saint, but I'd never think of such. I said it's my fault cos you know..." He stressed his words, feeling a little weird and not in any way proud of what he was about to say. "Abike has a thing or two for me." Nene cocked a brow up at him at the words he just uttered. But he ignored her nonetheless.

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