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You make me
feel like I'm out of
my mind. But it's alright,
It's alright.


Chimdi barged into the room, the door shutting at her wake with a loud bang, causing Nene, the only roommate present to look up from whatever she was reading.

"I know your money is in excess, but Bazooka won't hesitate to bundle you to Dr Addy if you break her door." The melanin bombshell said nonchalantly, eyes back to the book on her hand.

Chimdi made her way to her bed, plopping down on it, flinging her flip flops in the process.

"Sometimes, I feel like running a bullet through her empty skull. She's so annoying urrgh!"

Nene raised an amused brow. "Damn B! I'm beginning to rub off on you." She shut close the book. "I'm glad we have a mutual understanding with anger.

She gave Chimdi a lopsided smile. "Fuck chakra shits. Tell me, who set you off?"

Chimdi respired to calm down, cuddling one of her fluffy pillows. A slow smile forming on her lips. "I've got a long list." She got a glimpse of what the melanin was reading. "Why men marry bitches ? You for real?"

The darker girl shrugged. "Nonye kinda slipped it into my stuffs when she really needs it."

"You thinking of marriage already?"

"Hell no!" Nene's face morphed into a panicked one.  "I'm not done thinking about money B."

She gave the book a once over. "The book isn't for marriage alone though. But the relationship tips, I'm totally digging."

Sighing in exasperation, Chimdi leaned back on the screeded wall. "Elo is so dead."

"Nah, nah. Elo is not a problematic beau and you know it. I'm saving this for the future. What ?" She asked when she saw the look Chimdi was giving her. "I'm not going to be tied down to El forever."

Chimdi winced. Sorry El.

"It's for the future," she continued, giving Chimdi a wink. "Gotta be that babe in total control."

She set aside the book again, straightening her folded legs which stretched out of a blue kappa short and large monster themed shirt, stolen from her boyfriend.

"So, tell me. Who set you off?"

Chimdi cuddled close the fluffy pillow. "Quite a long list." She teased.

"Start from the most threatening. You know I'll haul an ass to Mozambique for you."

That had them cracking up in fit of laughter.

"Everyone is talking Nens," she began after they sobered up. "It's making me go crazy. To think they're still taking Ella's side, like two years wasn't enough to carry out her undeserving revenge."

The darker girl shrugged. "So let them talk."

Chimdi shook her head in disagreement. "Holding in isn't that easy. I thought that maybe all these years, she'd get an eye opener and address the issue." She paused, thinking about old times. "Sometimes I miss her."

The darker girl hissed, patting the tiger skinned bonnet, holding her hairs together. "Ella can go hug a transformer for all I care. I never liked her though, she was always trying to make you pick sides. I'd say she deserves everything."

Gasping, Chimdi glared at her. "Jeez Nene!!"

"What? She lost a great friend and almost ruined her life for a nincompoop who didn't have her best interest at heart. Tell me, isn't that abundance of stupidity at its peak?"

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