Ch.2 Lost Her

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One week later
Candace woke up to her alarm go get ready for school she slipped on a pair of skinny baby blue jeans with a white crop top and black Nike shoes. She grabbed her backpack and got in her moms car for school.

Linda saw Candace's new look wow Candace you look good I see you decided to try something new and I love your new hair bobi told me you specifically requested for him to do your hair did you like his work?

Yes mom he did an amazing job I'm going to be going to him now for my hair from now on I can see why you have him as your personal stylist. Anyways I'll see you after school love you and she leaned in and gave her mom a hug. I love you too darling have a good day at school.

Candace got out of the car and walked over to the school where Stacy was waiting for her. Hey Stacy my mom totally approved of my new look I thought she was going to make me go change into something different haha.

Hey candy you look good and I'm so glad to hear that and then the bell went off for everyone to head to class and they both headed towards their classrooms

Candace was in her English class working on her assignment the teacher had asked everyone to be finished with it before class ended while she was writing she couldn't help but over hear Mindy talk about Jeremy again the whole week that's all she would talk about.

Mindy was giggling yeah he came over to my house yesterday and he asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I said yes and girl he is such a good kisser

Candace was trying to hold back her tears she couldn't believe Jeremy moved on in just a week after their two year relationship she started thinking to herself did he really ever love me? Did he just break up with me so he could get with Mindy?

After class was over she got her stuff and was one of the first ones to walk out of classroom and started walking to her next class on her way over to her next class she heard someone yell her name Candace! She turned around and saw it was James her classmate from health class which she was walking to. James had actually been crushing on Candace for a long time but he never did anything about it since she was with Jeremy but he knew that they have broken up.

Hey Candace wait up. Oh hey James what's up? Oh nothing hey are you busy tonight? No why? I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie with me tonight? Oh um I'm sorry it's just that I just got out of a two year relationship and to be honest I'm just not ready to move on yet and I don't want to lead you on cause you're really sweet and that wouldn't be fair to you.

Hey I completely understand don't worry about then how about we just go to the movies tonight as friends and not a date? Besides I don't know what happened between you and your ex but if I was him I would have never let you go. Candace gave him a small smile thank you James your really sweet but you're not him and her eyes started getting teary eyed. James noticed she was about to cry and pulled her into a hug and she immediately hugged him back

Jeremy was on his way to his next class when he saw them hugging and he did not like seeing her with another guy. Candace was facing Jeremy's direction so she knew he saw them hugging they then pulled away from the hug James gave her a small smile hey listen Candace I can tell your hurting so how about we do something to cheer you up

Candace nodded her head in agreement and they both walked to their next class and he opened the door for her lady's first he said as he was smirking as well. Candace giggled while blushing a little thanks James what a gentlemen.

Lunch time

Candace and Stacy we're walking towards the cafeteria. So Stacy you won't believe what I heard today in my English class. Stacy looked at her with a worried look what? Apparently Jeremy went over to Mindy's house yesterday and asked her to be his girlfriend and then she said he was a good kisser.

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