Candace lies

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Candace and James walked into school the next day, he was walking her to her first period class, he was standing behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist and was giving her multiple kisses on her cheeks.

She had a huge smile across her face. But the truth of the matter was she wasn't happy at all in fact she was lonely and scared in the inside. She feared him she had to wear long sleeve shirts to close or a sweater now because of all the bruises on her arms. As they were making their way to her class.

Candace looked up and saw Jeremy walking towards them to his class. As Jeremy was walking past them he could see the look on her face that beautiful smile he loved to see and that's when it hit him that he lost her forever.

After Jeremy was out of sight James whispered into Candace's ear "nice job on making him jealous continue doing this and I'll continue to be nice to you understood?" Candace gulped and nodded "yes I understand.

James let her go and walked away to his class.
Candace wanted to just cry and tell Stacy about what was going on but she couldn't she was to scared to tell anyone about it. She had been avoiding Stacy since James began acting like that.

She knew if she told Stacy she would immediately go telling someone and James would probably beat her even though he has never hit her she was afraid he might if he got that mad.

After class Candace was heading to her next class when Stacy spotted her and ran towards her. "Hey Candace I've been trying to call and text you but you won't answer any of my texts or answer my phone calls!" Candace turned around startled "oh hey Stacy yeah sorry I haven't been able to answer you I've just been really busy lately" Stacy raised her eyebrow at her

"Busy huh well how about we can hang out today?" "I would but my parents are going out of town and I have to babysit my brothers and they have a rule of no friends over when there gone." "Oh okay well alright and Candace" "yeah?"

"Why are you wearing a sweater when it's 95 outside? "Oh well this morning I was really cold." "Candace it was 83 this morning?" Candace was about to respond when the bell ringed for everyone to be in class. "Well Stacy I will catch up with you later" Stacy was starting at her with concern "okay I'll see you during lunch."

Lunch time

Stacy was seating at the table with Coltrane and Jeremy eating their lunch. "Hey babe I thought Candace was going to join us for lunch? Stacy looked around the cafeteria but saw no sign of Candace "yeah I thought so too but I couldn't find her and she's not answering my text and either"

Jeremy gave her a weird look "you and Candace aren't talking did you guys get in a fight or something?" "No i don't know what's wrong a few days ago she stopped responding to my messages" Coltrane started thinking of reasons she might be ignoring her best friend "Stacy you don't think she could be in some kind of trouble do you?" "What do you mean?

"I mean you don't think her boyfriend is you know!" Stacy looked at Coltrane with wide eyes "oh my gosh he better not be doing what I think he's doing maybe that's why she's wearing a sweater in this hot weather."

Stacy started calling Candace again frantically but she still didn't answer her. Stacy looked up at Jeremy "Jeremy you need to go over to her house and see if she'll tell you anything! "Oh no I can't do that she's going to think I'm just trying to get back with her." "Jeremy did you ever love her?" "Yes of course I did Stacy we dated for two years!"

"Okay so then if you really ever did care about her then go find out what if he's hurting her!" Jeremy sighed "okay fine I will."

After school

When Jeremy got home he went and started playing his video games since his parents and little sister were out of town he decided to grab a tequila bottle and started drinking away his pain of letting Candace go.

By the time it 9:15 pm Jeremy was hampered he was so drunk he couldn't even walk straight without bumping into the walls. He was laughing and he saw a picture of Candace on his nightstand

He grabbed his car keys and drove over to Candace's he surprisingly made it there safely. Candace's parents were out visiting her grandparents but were coming home that night most likely around 2 in the morning and her brothers were out with some friends

Candace was laying on her bed on her phone when suddenly she heard someone in the house but she could hear banging and stuff falling  she got up and was making her way downstairs "hello anyone here?"

Once she was all the way downstairs she saw a shadow going out their back door she got in the kitchen and grabbed a knife "hello" she was about to opened the door when suddenly


"Oh where the hell are you" Candace sighed and put her hand to her forehead Jeremy looked at her and was holding a plant from her garden "I picked this for you from the garden"

"Jeremy what the hell are you doing here?" "I've come here to set things right" "your drunk" "I had to come see you and get back together" "Jeremy I thought you were a max murder or something"

"I tried calling you but you weren't answering" "I was busy" Candace then went to her door "did you break the back door?" "I had definitely trying to come in through the front door I'm sorry" "Jeremy go now!"

"I've thought of nothing but you since we've broke up I've been a coward but that ends tonight! I'm here to take full responsibility summon your father" "haha I'm not summoning anybody my parents are out right now"

"I-I-I" he bumped into the kitchen countertop and the bot of the plant broke. Candace knelt down to pick up the broken pieces "great" Jeremy was kneeling down trying to help but was to drunk and he slipped on the floor Candace tried helping him not fall but there eyes met

She started nervously laughing "huh great" "your face is very beautiful" they looked into each other's eyes Jeremy started caressing her cheek and was about to kiss her but Candace turned her face the other way "how about we get you some black coffee?" "I've been drinking tequila I rather not mix my beverages" Candace got up and grabbed Jeremy arm to help him up

Once they were both up she helped him sit on a chair she grabbed the knife and put it back "you scared the shit out of me" "sorry" but little did they know James was watching them from the outside he was going to go over but he then saw Jeremy there and he got super mad.

A few hours later after Jeremy wasn't as drunk and was able to think straight he was still over at Candace's house "why did you come over here drunk?" "I um I was upset about us and honestly your dad scares me too" Jeremy got up from his chair and grabbed his car keys "well I think I'm able to drive now" Candace got up from her seat "haha you are not driving anywhere I'll drive you come on"

They got in his car and she drove to his house they got out of his car and walked to his front door "I was telling the truth back there I wish we could get back together" Candace looked at him shocked he then went up to her and grabbed her face gently and pressed his lips against hers.

James was watching from his car and was filled with anger.

What did you guys think of this chapter? Whats going to happen to Candace? What is going to happen with Jeremy and Candace as always I appreciate votes and comments let me know what you guys think

If This Was A Movie Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora