mrs. puffs boating school (ii)

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someone who read the first one wanted another part to go with it and yeah, me being a very nice and very self absorbed person, agreed to do so.

Disclaimer: this has nothing to do with mrs puffs boating school.

Prestons pov

Without thinking about the consequesnces, i slowly moved my head forward, putting my lips onto Robs. If he really did love me, like the look in his eyes stated, he would accept it, and kiss me back. It felt like years that my lips were on his. From the feel of his soft lips, i could tell he was shocked. Within seconds, rob kissed me back.

We broke apart, smiling. "you have no idea how long ive waited for that." Rob said between his goofy grin. Hes so adorable when he is smiling.

i replied with just one word. "same." i felt something cold touch my hand. i jerk it back, startled by the cold feeling. i look down to see robs hand drop to his side. i laugh and grab his hand back. we watch the sunset without a care in the world. intil finally, a question hits me. "what are we going to do about the canoe?"

rob laughs and scratches his rough beard with his hand that wasnt holding mine. "i have no idea."

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