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(Heart broken)

I saw her today. It was at Taco Bell. Every Friday I went there, to torture myself of what I loss. We always spent our Friday nights eating tacos. It was a memory I wouldn't be able to lose.

She wAs there with the friend I use to have. We were best friends until he decided to go behind my back, taking her with him. She cheated on me, yet I still love her.

I walked out of the restaurant. I wasn't sure whether I was upset or sad, maybe a little bit of both, but to be honest, I was mostly disappointed.

She never looked at me, well we made eye contact when she first walked through the door, but no verbal or physical contact. Maybe it's because she was too selfish, but I still love her.

I had no idea where it was going but, somehow I ended up at the doorstep of my best friends house.

"Rob?" Preston answered his door after the second knock. He looked confused but I thought I knew the reason why. He knows I torture myself at Taco Bell every Friday. He knows about my heart broken self. He knows my secrets. He saw my face an he realized everything. "Was she there?"

I slowly nod my head and he allows me to come inside. He grabs ice cream and we pig out, sharing the container.

"Thanks Preston." I say as I was about to leave. "I really appreciate your-" I get cut off as Preston slams his lips into mine.

Suddenly I forget about her. I'm no longer heart broken, instead Im in love. It may take a girl to make you heart broken but it takes a best friend to make you whole again.

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