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(Drug Addict)

I was the new guy, as usual. I lived a life of moving place to place. I hate being moved around but what else can there be? My parents move from job to job because they both are lazy and can't keep one, but that's the worst of my problems.

For what seems like forever, my parents have been preoccupied on things such as work and "showing off" to the house guests. I come from a rich family, meaning I have to always have the best things and my parents make sure everyone knows it.

I've always though of myself as alone. It was just me always moving around. I never kept friends. Being lonely got me into some pretty rough areas, such as getting involved with drugs.

It was stupid, I know, but it was the first time ever that i didn't feel alone. I had friends and all I ha to do was take a few pills from the random basket or even smoke half a cigarette. But the rush of relief I felt after I got high was amazing. It's like I didn't have a care in the world.

I got high every day. Even before my first day of school. It made me feel relaxed for my last year of high school. No one knew, and no one cared. Not even myself.

There was a guy in the front of the class who caught my eye. Was I gay? Who knows. Have I ever made out with a guy? Heck ya. Did I enjoy it? I don't know. I was high the entire time so I don't really remember it. I only remember the fact that the picture will haunt me for the rest if my life.

I barely remember it, but that doesn't mean I didn't like it. I sit down next to him and introduce myself. And with that, hopefully we become friends.

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