His last words

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Creds- tumblr people, those messed up minded, cool af people.

Poofless af

Rob af perspective:

I anxiously itch at my wrist as I pace the large waiting room of the hospital. Preston and I got into a huge fight, regarding my mothers arrival, to move in. My father recently passed away, leaving my mom so emotional that she couldn't be left unsupervised. I decided she should move in, my worst mistake was not telling Preston until the day of her appearance.

It was stupid, I know, but I was afraid to tell him. I knew how much Preston loathed her, but for some reason it felt like the correct thing to do. I contemplated every second whether I should tell him, but my heart wouldn't let me.

We have dated for about two years, I thought nothing could separate us, but now it seems that everything gets between us. What brand of cereal we get at the store to what recording we want to do first, seems to tear us further apart every day.

It was the last straw, yesterday when he stormed out of our apartment, upset that I "forgot" to mention that my mother was coming to stay. He left abruptly, so I couldn't apologize. I should have known something happened to him, once the night passed, and I still haven't heard from him. Either way, that was the past and we can't continue to dwell on things that we can't control. Yet, for some reason, I can feel that I could control it.

If I had asked for Preston's opinion on the matter of my mom taking our guest room, Preston wouldn't be in the local Montreal hospital. It was my fault, and I will continue to point fingers at myself.

"Robert?" Preston's British doctor walked out, gesturing to me that I can visit. My brain urged me to stay, but my heart insisted that I at least owed him this much. I swallow the large lump in my throat and I follow the doctor into Preston's room.

The room itself smelt of death and looked depressing. The walls were bland with beige paint, the floors painted in a grayish, ugly color. Way to try to save someone, so they can live in something that reminds them of death. I roll my eyes and then focus them on Preston.

The car accident did fatal damage to him, although I heard the drunk driver of the other car, left the scene with a broken arm and two police officers. Preston laid on the bed with a cast on his leg, wHile it was plopped up on several pillows. His arm was in a sling, probably holding a broken elbow or arm. His chubby face was scratched up. The doctor whispered in my ear something that made me choke on my sobs. Whatever person looked like on the outside, was way Better than the inside. Apparently according to the doctors scans and test, Preston has internal bleeding. Somewhere between his lover and spleen.

I rush to Preston's side and hold his hand. A few tears fell and I let them. "Preston I'm sorry." Preston's eye open as he looks at me.

"Don't be" he said in a soft, raspy voice. I couldn't help but think I was my fault, it was instinct to apologize. "Rob." He paused for a minute, his eyes glaring into my soul. I took in his beauty. A tear falls from his eye and onto his cheek. I wipe it away, cautiously with my thumb. "I love you." He says. The Annoying monotone beeps fade into one as he slowly closed his eyes.

My wrist continues to itch. I scratch it again, as I stare down at the burning sensation. It was red, where the words "I love you" were in black. My mother told me I was born with it. I laugh, thinking back to the day when I first noticed it. I asked my mom about it and she told me, "everyone is born with one, it's the last words that your soulmate will say." I smile, as I run at my skin.

I twist Preston's wrist over to show where his was hiding. In small letters I see "I'll see you soon." Suddenly, I knew what I had to do.

I throw myself into my car, driving to the nearest cliff. I get out of the car and step onto the edge. I whisper under my breath "I'll see you soon." And with that, I jump.

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