5. Gguk's Gift

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"Oh, how can I forget! I still need to buy a gift for Gguk!" I self-talked. Then another notification popped up on my phone. It was the billboard chart update on twitter.
And again, I couldn't believe on my eyes.

BTS was on top for the first time ever. Everywhere on social media, his band was trending on number one. Trends like #Jungguk's_bday_gift and #Happy_Jungguk_day also surfaced all over the social media. I was literally smiling with my eyes and clapping with my small hands while looking at the phone.

That was the first time they had bagged 1st position on billboards. The band would have felt ecstatic over such a big victory. It was one of the biggest achievements for them.

"But... Will he be able to meet me now?"

Such a big success would have made paparazzi even more active. His company used to restrict their movement whenever those bunch of stalkers used to get active. Obviously, they couldn't risk the reputation and privacy of their artist.

With that thought, I was again staring at the walls. My phone was still in my hands. I couldn't decide if I should be happy that he had become number one artist or sad because we might not be able to see each other.

I just wanted to be happy for him and shove off all the other thoughts. But it was like the 2 sides of a coin. Both always come together. 

I couldn't help it. There was a high possibility that he would not be able to meet me after such a big news.

Anxiety started swallowing me from inside.

12th sept, 12pm

My sleepy figure was crumpled into a ball on the floor when the doorbell rang. "Arrrgghh! My neck is hurting so bad!" I mumbled while trying to get up from floor. I had no idea when I slept last night.

Somehow I managed to reach till the door while holding the back of my neck with one hand. I opened the door.

Sunlight was too bright for my sleepy eyes. I rubbed my eyes to see a postman holding a parcel right in front of me.

"Miss Lee Y/n?" he said while giving me a pen. "Please sign here" he said while pointing on the paper attached to a clipboard.

"Thank you" I said in a confused and sleepy tone. I closed the door and rushed into my room. There was a label on it.

'From Y/nie's Ggukie'

"Gguk!" I exclaimed. I ripped off all the wrappings around it to see a black dress.

Half of the dress was covered with a lot of shimmering beads while the lower half was purely a jet black cloth. The overall dress had an umbrella like appearance.

"Whoa!! Is it my birthday or his birthday!?" I exclaimed while looking at the dress from top to bottom. A note fell on the floor. I picked it up and read...

Be ready at 7pm. I have some plans for my y/nie. I hope you like the dress. Love you.

"7pm! Really!? Is it really happening! Y/n you need to hurry up now or you won't be able to get ready on time! You still need to buy the gift !" I said to myself while searching for some casual clothes in my wardrobe. I grabbed a pair jeans and tees and rushed into the washroom.

That note was enough to erase every doubt I had in my mind. We were finally going to meet each other.

Within 20 minutes I was completely ready to go for the shopping.
"I'm going to the market. Please take care of the house." I said to the gatekeeper to which he nodded.

Till 4pm, I had already visited 5 shops and rejected basically everything they had. I couldn't buy anything for him. I should've planned something beforehand.

I wanted to buy something really special. Afterall, it was not just his birthday. He had achieved such a great feat as well.

I had gifted him enough of frames, cards and ironman figures in the past. It might sound childish but yes, he was a huge fan of ironman since he was 8. He had watched all ironman movies atleast 5 times. He actually remembered all the dialogues. He had a 50 year old mind but a 5 year old heart. Well, that was the best thing about him.

All my hopes were stacked on the last shop. It was quite famous for it's luxurious wrist watch collection. I had never gifted him a watch so I decided to buy one. I wanted to buy a really good one. And so they showed me everything they had.

After 1 and a half hour of struggle, I finally found the best one for him. It was a metallic watch with small dial. It's bezel and crown was lined with diamond dust. It had a unique shine to it that instantly caught my attention.

Without wasting more time I said to the shopkeeper, "Please pack this watch in a blue gift wrap." I was satisfied with my choice. I couldn't wait to give it to him.

I was in my own daydreams on my way back to home. I was on cloud nine. I couldn't believe the fact that I would be able to see him after 3 years.

I could imagine his tall and lean figure standing in front of my small and chubby one. He was 5'11 while I was barely 5'4. I always wanted to be taller and thinner. So I used to try different exercises and diets to achieve a "so called desirable figure". But these things used to leave me frustrated and annoyed most of the times.

Gguk used to love me the way I was. I could remember him saying, " Y/nie, you need not go that hard on yourself. "

"But... I look like a small fluffy teddy bear in front of you!"

"So why would you change the things that make me fall for you?! "

When you are in true love with someone, you can't really distinguish between his virtues and flaws. You just fall for everything he does. The most inconspicuous gesture makes your heart flutter like anything.

Even the smallest moment that you spend with your beloved becomes so memorable that everytime it replays in your mind, you experience the same chills down your spine and hundreds of butterflies fluttering in your stomach.

" Ah Gguk, I can't wait to see you again."

I was just one street away from my house when I heard a thin babyish voice shouting from behind...


Thankyou for so much support❤
I hope you are enjoying the series
If you find any mistakes or something that you feel like pointing out, you can freely do it in the comments section.

And did you watch yesterday's Gayo performance!? It was so damn good right!?😍

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