🙏🏻Hello Everyone🙏🏻

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I hope you all are doing well. So as I said yesterday, I'm here to share how I wrote "💜My Jungguk💜"

I've an army friend. One day we were talking about a picture of bangtan (It was a black and white pic. I don't remember much😅) and I was like yaaaa taehyung is looking like a mafia, RM like a CEO etc.. And my friend, out of the blue told me that I should make a fanfiction with these characters. And I was like nooo because I was just randomly telling how they were looking in that particular picture. Then I said that I can make one but I wanted some good plot.
After some time, she came up with an idea of a love story between a normal girl and a big artist.
I was ready to work on it. And you won't believe, I was so engrossed in the writing process that I actually completed it within a week. It originally had 7 parts but here I divided the last part into 2.

I'm very thankful to my army friend (and a non army friend as well who also read it before) for giving me such a great idea and supporting me so much.

And I really thankful to all of you as well. Your supportive comments keep me going. And most of the comments make me laugh so hard that I..... I just love it♥️

I was really weak in English when I was in school so I never really had the confidence to write anything in English (It is actually my 3rd language). You know, "sometimes" your school can lower down your confidence a lot. Schools mostly fail to help you find your dreams and talents. So if anyone of you ever feel bogged down by your schools, society or sometimes even families and relatives, I really want to tell you that you are the only one who knows you the best. No one can know you better than you yourself. Spend as much time as possible with yourself. Write down your feelings in your diary. Open up in front of people who you think can support you and boost up your confidence. This is will really help you a lot.

I'm not that good in English but still I wish to write more on wattpad. I don't really have any big dreams regarding this writing stuff but still, as long as it gives me happiness, I'm gonna do it.

And about the new book umm.... I'm currently working on it. I will release it here in a week or two. I'm going to start my college life in a few days so I won't be able to interact with all of you that much but still I'll make sure to support your writings.

Next book is also gonna be a romantic one. Both armys and non-armys can read it. I mean both will be able connect to the story. I hope you all wait for it. 🙏🏻

At the end I would say that you should never give up on your dreams. Never be afraid to keep your opinion in front of anyone. We miss hell lot of opportunities just by overthinking about it. So if you want to do something and you think that you can give your 100% to it, then just go for it!

Listen to your heart!
I hope you all stay happy and healthy

And yeah! Happy bday to our dear Taehyung (oppa).

Thankyou Everyone!


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