1. The Memory Album

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1st sept, 2020

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"Happy 23rd birthday Gguk"

I sent him greetings, just like every year. I had no hopes to get even a 'thanks' in reply. It wasn't like he didn't care about me. We understood each other completely and that was the reason why we were together.

He promised me that he would meet me on his bday 2 months ago but I didn't want to expect anything from him. Being a global artist isn't that easy. He had to break a lot of promises in the past because of his busy schedule.

In 2020, he wasn't that busy because of corona. So I was getting replies and phone calls quite often, you can say umm.... once in a month. Before that, there used to be a gap of atleast 5-6 months. That was enough for me.

Basically, for our relationship to survive, nothing much was required. We loved each other and that was enough for us.

We met last time in 2017 on our graduation day. Just by imagining him standing in front of me after 3 years were making my eyes teary. But he hadn't confirmed anything. Therefore I was telling myself over and over again, not to expect anything from him.

When you are in true love, you can actually wait for a person endlessly because you trust him. Trust and love make the foundation of an unswerving relationship.

Every year, I spend his bday night like that. I couldn't keep my mind off him. Just like the past 2 birthdays, I was about to open my "memory drawer" where every moment of our togetherness was preserved.

I brought hot chocolate for myself (Gguk and I loved hot chocolate at school cafe during breaks) and opened the drawer.

I could see our old golden album shimmering in front of my eyes. It's shine had not even changed a bit, just like us.

I took out the album and placed it on my lap. It shone brightly in dim yellow light of my room full of soft toys that Gguk gifted me. I opened the memory album and chuckled over the 1st picture.

The picture displayed Gguk's bunny smile and his tongue sticking outside while I was twisting his right ear. I was visibly angry as hell. I had red puffy eyes while my left hand and right knee were bandaged.

That naughty bunny took the picture in my room ignoring several punch threats from me. But I gave in at last and let him take the picture not before yelling at him like anything and twisting his ear till it turned red.

But I must thank him for taking that picture because it demarcated the beginning of our journey. The story behind it was funnier than the picture itself.


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