Chapter 1

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*Error's POV*

"You should just tell Core!" Blueberry says.

"No, I can't!"  I shout.  "If she finds out, she'll try to stop him!  She might get hurt!  Or worse!"

I shouldn't have been surprised.  Ink had gathered an army of Sanses from AUs all over the multiverse in another attempt to kill me.  It had been so long since he had last done that, I had been foolish enough to drop my guard.  Now, my foolishness was coming back to bite me in the ass.

"But how do you think she'll feel about having something so important kept from her?" Blue asks.

"I'll handle that on my own," I say, sighing.  "But first, I have to focus on the problem in front of me."

"Error, I'm truly worried for you," Blue says.  "Is there anything I can do to help?  Maybe try to dissuade Ink?  Or something..."

"Don't, Blue," I say as calmly as I could.  "I don't want you getting hurt for my sake, either.  Just, let me handle this alone."

"Something as important as this?  I don't think so.  Error, just allow me to help you, anything I can do to help you."

"Blue, if you continue with this, I will pull you out of my house," I growl, feeling my frustration rise.

"You think I care about just being kicked out of your house when your life's on the line?" Blueberry asks.  "Error, you can't handle this alone.  And you know you can't!  So don't try.  Please Error..."

"Blue, if I come out of this alive at the cost of either you or Corey, I will never sleep well at night ever again," Error says.  "I can't let you help me, I'm sorry."

"Error...ugh, fine," Blue says, the light blue stars in his eyes replaced by white dots.  "I know how stubborn you can get, so I'll stop trying.  But, I pray, not just for your sake but also for both Core's and mine, that you come out of this alive."

At that, Blueberry walks up to my front door and leaves the house.

I sigh, grabbing a cup of hot cocoa.  Hot cocoa is a magical drink, I swear.  It always eases my nerves.  

A few minutes later, I hear someone walking down my stairs.

"Was that Blue?" I hear Core ask as she hops off the last two stairs.

"Yeah, we just had a friendly conversation," I say, setting his cup of hot cocoa down and walking up to my mate to claim her lips.

Her lips were so soft and warm.  It was so easy to get lost in them.  She wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap mine around her slim waist, hugging her warm frame closer to mine.

"Well, I should probably be heading back to the Doodle Sphere," Core says, when we separate.

"Stay for a few more minutes," I mutter.

"Sure thing," she replies, giggling.

I lean in for another kiss.  Teasingly, I lick the bottom of her lip.  She makes a small squeak sound, pulls away, and blushes.  I laugh at her her expression and kiss the top of her head as she snuggles into my chest, caressing her long, silk-soft hair.

"Ok, I should really go now," Core says, pulling away from my embrace.  I almost grumble in protest.  "You should get back to doing your...job...too.  Just, don't go too crazy out there."

"Yeah," I say, as she opens my front door.  "I'll see you tonight?"

"Of course~," she says with a seductive undertone, turning around and giving a flirty week before leaving the house and shutting the door behind her.

What Love Does to the Best of Us (Error x Core!Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now