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*Nobody's POV*

"This is big news, Blue," Core says, sitting cross-legged on the ground of the Doodle Sphere.

"I know, right?!" Blue exclaims.  "I feel so important now!  It's a great feeling!"

"Y'know, to be honest, you're the last person I'd expect to take on a job as the Creator," Core says.

"Why's that?" Blue asks.

"It's just...a bit hard for me to imagine you in Ink's outfit," Core says.

"I don't ever plan on wearing something like that," Blue says.  "I can't stop seeing those garments without Error's dust on them.  Plus, how does he move around in that?  It hugs his legs way too tightly!  There's nothing better like my good ol' battle armor!"

"If that's what you think, sure," Core says.  "How are your folks back at home taking the news?"

"Well, let's just say Papyrus wasn't too overjoyed at the news, but he didn't immediately attempt to kill Alpha, so it's all good!" Blue says.  "Alphys and Undyne, of course, responded with much screaming and shouting."

"Looks like they're taking the news well," Core says.

"Yeah," Blue says.  "What are you gonna do about the Omega Timeline?"

"I gave Altertale Toriel control of it," I say.  "I wouldn't ever dream of destroying it, but I can't quite manage it and do my...job, at the same time.  Plus, now a bunch of people there hate me.  They think I'm gonna be the same as Error and that all of their lives are in jeopardy.  However, a bunch of others think I'm too goodhearted to do such a thing.  It's safe to say that they're having their own little civil war in there.  Poor Tori."

"You're not gonna destroy the Omega Timeline, right?" 

"Of course not.  The conflict's gonna die down in a couple of weeks hopefully.  Makes me feel guilty about feeling relieved at not having to deal with that."

Blue just nods in response.

Blue and Core just sit silently in the vast Doodle Sphere, gazing up at the swarm of floating, glowing sheets of paper in the air.

"Well, I should probably be getting home," Blue says.  "Wouldn't wanna freak out Papyrus."

"Who would dare mess with you now that you're the Creator?" Core asks.

"Nobody, but Papyrus is so used to protecting me so closely," Blue says, a portal opening right beside him.  "Anyway, see ya tomorrow, Core."

"You should also know that time doesn't flow the same way in the Doodle Sphere," Core says.  "You should get less used to using words like 'tomorrow' around here."

"Right, see ya later, Core," he says before walking into the portal.


*Core's POV*

After Blue disappeared, I opened a portal into my house in the Anti-Void.

Upon walking through the portal, the first thing I see when stepping into the house is Error's jacket, hanging on the coat rack in our living room.

I take the jacket and hug it close to my chest.

Now that Ink had destroyed his locket, all that I have left to remember him by are my memories of him and his jacket.

Even after all this time, thinking about Error still brought sadness into my soul.  My last moments with him before my fight with Ink had only made that worse.

What Love Does to the Best of Us (Error x Core!Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now