Chapter 3

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*Nobody's POV*

A month had passed.

Ink was working overtime, trying his best to repopulate the Doodle Sphere with AUs after winning the war against Error.  The Multiverse was dull and quiet for a few weeks, but it wasn't long before it was buzzing with activity again.

Core, meawhile, spent the last month sulking around and doing nothing.  There was no destroyer, so there was noone to rescue, nobody to pull out of endangered, crumbling worlds.  The residents of the Omega Timeline didn't really pay much notice to Error's death.  A couple of them celebrated for a bit, but then, things went back to normal fairly quickly.  Meanwhile, Core was still grieving Error's death.  It had hit her harder than she thought.

Blue had stayed true to his promise and kept out of Multiverse business.  He was back to his normal, cheerful self, but he was also still in grieving.  Ink had tried to get in contact with Blue a couple of times, but Blue had refused to see him.  He was still angry over what Ink had done, but he had accepted the fact that he didn't have the power to do anything about it.

It was actually thanks to Error that the Multiverse hadn't started collapsing yet.  Only thirteen AUs were left out of the thousands Ink had brought with him.  The Multiverse heavily relied on creative energy from AUs to stay alive, something that it had lacked heavily in after the war.  Ink managed to get the Multiverse back onto its feet after just a week, preventing it from dying from the lack of energy.

But now there was a new problem to solve.

Ink had overdone it on the creation.

The Multiverse was overflowing with AUs.

Ink had tried multiple things to limit the influx of AUs entering his Doodle Sphere.  He had even stopped supporting creators all together.  But, despite popular belief, he wasn't a legitimate creator, he just helped in the creation of AUs.  His lack of participation in "creation" did significantly slow the rate at which they were appearing in the Doodle Sphere, but they were still appearing.  

Then, an incident happened.  


*Ink's POV*

This was starting to turn into a major problem.

I still didn't have a way of lightening the load of AUs in the Doodle Sphere.  

It wouldn't be long 'til the Multiverse finally starts cracking.  I just needed a few days more.  I could encourage some random creator to cook up another destroyer real quick, but if Error was coded like that, things would be too simple.  I was gonna have to find one.  Should only take a couple of days...

Then I heard the familiar ping of an AU appearing.  I turn around to see a brand new, glowing piece of paper in the sky.  I used to love hearing that ping.  Now, I dreaded it.

Then, I hear a crack.

There was a large crack right in front of me.  In my Doodle Sphere.

When nothing happens after a few minutes, I start looking through AUs in my drawing pad.  I was running out of time.

Suddenly, I get slammed into the floor.

My drawing pad goes flying.  My ribs hit the ground first, smashing all of the vials on my sash.  Each vial leaves a single pool of glowing, colored paint.  I growl, hop back onto my feet, and unclip my paintbrush from my back.

What I see in front of me pile of black goop leaking out of the tiny crack.  Was it Nightmare?  No, Nightmare would never make his appearance by leaking out of a crack.  His ego wouldn't allow it.  Also, I'm pretty sure Nightmare's goop wasn't glitchy.

What Love Does to the Best of Us (Error x Core!Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now