Chapter 4

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*Unknown POV*

I've let this go for too long.

I knew I should've intervened when he killed Error.  I underestimated how bad it would be.

Now, the Abandoned have found a passage into the Multiverse.

It's probably my fault.  I should've stopped him.

Ink had done his job splendidly, filling the Multiverse with AUs of variety I couldn't've ever imagined before seeing it with my own eyes.

But this won't go unseen.

Ink had messed up big time.  And there was no recovering from this mistake.  He had already offered someone to become his next successor.  She hadn't accepted yet, but it's only a matter of time.

I don't think Ink will last much longer.

I'll have to find someone to become the next creator.


*Core's POV*

I set Error's locket onto the bedtable beside our bed.

Error 404 wanted me to become the next destroyer.  But why me?  I hated destruction and he probably knew that, considering his connection with Error.  

But I wasn't exactly uncomfortable with his job either.  We just stayed away from each other outside the house.

I was a Multiverse being with a lot of power, but I could never quite stomach destruction.  Even if it was for the sake of keeping the balance in check.  Maybe I'll just keep the locket, keep it as something to remember Error by.

But no, that would be making the same mistake Ink had made.  He had killed Error simply because he didn't want anymore destruction happening in his AUs, but destruction was what Multiverse needed to survive.

I sigh, grabbing Error's jacket from the coat hangar nearby and hugging it closely to my chest.  Even after all this time since his death, it was still warm.  The smell of his bones still lingered on it.  I inhale the pleasant scent, smiling to myself.  It reminded me of the good days with him.

I look back to his locket.  I hadn't really put much thought to my decision yet.  Maybe I'll think about it a bit more after taking a quick nap.

I crawl into bed and pull the covers up.  With so much on my mind, I'm surprised with how quickly I managed to fall asleep.  It wasn't exactly undisturbed though.

When I open my eyes, I find myself hung in the air by dark blue strings.  I attempt to struggle out of them, only to realize that my arms don't move.  I'm not in control.  Error is looking up at me with an evil grin.  I recognize this scene.  This was my very first encounter with Error.

"Why?" I listen to myself ask.  "Why do you do what you do?"

Error looks up at me and just chuckles as if hearing a toddler asking some question with a stupidly obvious answer.

"Cuz it's my job, kiddo," Error says.  "Now, I won't ask again, where's the Omega Timeline?  Personally, I don't prefer resulting to them, but I will use more brutal methods."

"I won't talk to a killer," I say, growling.  "And torture me as long as you'd like, you're not getting anything out of me."

"You call me a killer to spite me, but note Core, without a 'killer' like me, will the Multiverse still be alive?" Error asks.  "It can only hold so much creation, and it needs someone to keep a cap on that creation.  So bad deed or not, it's keepin' the Multiverse alive.  I'm surprised someone still gives a flip."

What Love Does to the Best of Us (Error x Core!Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now