Chapter 7

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*Ink's POV*

It's a good thing I didn't choose to use my vials today.

Otherwise my emotions might've gotten the best of me.

"Hold her up," I say to Geno and Reaper beside me, pointing to Core, unconscious, battered, and bloodied on the ground.

"Told her multiple times she should've never gotten involved with Error," Reaper says, shaking his head and strapping on a glove before and grabbing Core's arm roughly.  "Look where we are now."

"Hey, not so roughly," Geno says, gently hoisting Core's other arm up.  "In her condition, if you treat her too roughly..."

I walk up to Core, ignoring Reaper's and Geno's banter as they hold her up.  I reach for the locket around her neck and rip it off of her neck, the chain snapping with a loud clanging sound.

I wait just a second to admire the intricate design on the locket.  It's the same as any other Undertale locket, but strangely, the glitches on it made it seem more beautiful.  How could something so imperfect seem so beautiful?

I toss the locket high into the air where I summon three, dark, inky gaster blasters.

"Goodbye, Error," I say, firing the blasters at the locket.

The blasts shred through the locket's golden metal with ease.  As I watch the blasters destroy the locket, I feel nothing at all.  Not triumph, not pride, nothing.

They'll come the next time I take my vials.

"Alright, that's done with," I say, opening a portal into the Doodle Sphere when another question arises.

Can there still be a Destroyer if I had just crushed the last fragments of what was left of a Destroyer's power?

Well, I'll deal with that later.  Right now, Error is dead, completely this time.  Nothing else matters at the moment.  

Then, I hear an explosion go off behind me.  And then a huge surge of LOVE.  A sudden explosion would've normally scared me like that, but surprise is an emotion, one I can't feel without my vials.

I turn around to see Core standing beside Reaper, a knife stuck in his ribs, and Geno with dark red strings wrapped around his soul.  She pulls her knife out of Reaper and throws it at me as Reaper turns to dust.  She then moves Geno forward, forcing him to summon some blasters and bones to attack me with.

I unstrap my paintbrush from my back and produce a wall of ink which absorbs the blasts and the bones.  

"Really, Core?" I ask, a little peeved at her determination to stand against me.  "You know, without my vials, I might accidentally kill you right?"

That's when I feel the sudden surge of LOVE.  When I attempt to pinpoint the source of it, I find that it's all coming from Core.

Core's LV suddenly shot up, and it's still rising.

How is it rising so fast?  She's almost as powerful as Error, no, her LOVE has exceeded his already.

Where was all of that LOVE coming from?

"Round two is always different," Core says, pointing her knife at me.

*Error!Frisk         LV 7150000


*Core's POV*


So much pain.

His power is so overwhelming.  How did Error ever become powerful enough to compare to him?

I'm sorry Error, I couldn't protect you.

What Love Does to the Best of Us (Error x Core!Frisk)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora