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 This one shot is dedicated to a friend named Aubrie she wanted to see a murder mystery story.If she ever sees this I want her to know that I love her like a little sister Tws Character death (just Minecraft skins not people )

They had all decided to stay up late playing games in Minecraft after Skeppy's skywars tournament and they had begun to play murder mystery.The people playing were Dream Sapnap Skeppy George and BadBoyHalo.

The first round Dream was the killer and George was the detective, the rest were civilians.

The chat was modded so that when someone killed someone else it just said the person fell out of the world.And not who killed them.In this version you can't kill the detective and everyone knows who they are.

~Sapnap tried to swim in lava~

George: Dream why did you kill him?

Dream: I don't know what you're talking about Gogy.

George: Well who else would have killed Sapnap first?

Dream:Raise your hand if you would've killed Sapnap first

*Everyone raises their hands*

Ghostnap: Awww come on not you to Bad

BadBoyHalo:* hides inside his hood* mumbles  I'm sorry but you're an annoying muffinhead.

Ghostnap :Fair enough *****


-No killer reported this round-

~Skeppy tried to swim in lava~

BadBoyHalo: Sgeppy:'(

George: Ok seriously Dream stop killing people

Dream: why do you only accuse me it wasn't me

George: *points to Bad who is on the verge of tears* Do you really think he killed someone then cried after?

Dream: It's a possibility it could be an act 

Skeppyghost: Hi BaLdBoYhAlO 

BadBoyHalo: Skeppy :) and I'm not bald you muffin

Skeppyghost: Sure you're not

-no killer was identified this round- 

~BadBoyHalo tried to swim in lava~


George: fine you won

GhostBoyHalo: Skeppy I can hug you now :)

Skeppyghost: yep :) 

The second round Skeppy is the killer and Bad is the detective 

~George tried to swim in lava~

BadBoyHalo: Dream?

Dream: Don't look at me this is a whole new round 

BadBoyHalo: Ok but I'm keeping an eye on you muffin

Dream: Why does it always have to be me that people are suspicious of

~Sapnap tried to swim in lava~

BadBoyHalo: Dream!!

Dream:I swear it isn't me!

BadBoyHalo: then why is only the DreamTeam dying?

Dream: I don't know, maybe because Skeppy is the killer 

BadBoyHalo: *crosses arms* I don't believe you 

~Dream tried to swim in lava~

GhostDream: told ya

BadBoyHalo: *whacks Skeppy on the head* Bad muffin very bad muffin

I don't think I can write anymore rounds the art at the top has nothing to do with the story it's just something I drew 

Have a nice day/night/afternoon:)

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