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I never meant for this to happen.... I felt a tear slide down my cheek but I could care less about it now. I understand what they meant when they said I was too trusting of outside things, back when I still talked with them I would've laughed it off and said "what harm could it do". I didn't understand that some things do harm because it's a game to them and you're just another playing piece. I trusted it and I shouldn't have as soon as I did there were always voices in my head that wouldn't have been that bad of a thing.... If those voices didn't drown out my own. They wanted to strike a deal with me one that I didn't realize what it would take. My thoughts for the "saving and protection" of my loved ones and even more specifically, Skeppy. I would have to do most anything it said, and it promised to "protect" my friends in return. In the beginning it was alright nothing awful had happened yet but I was still getting suspicious of it. I wanted to back out of the deal with it but it threatened the thing I cared for the most. It seemed to sing as it spoke to me "You've gone too far young one" It's words echoed by all the voices in my head but mine "You seem to think you can find a way out of my deals." At that point I was trembling because I was scared, scared of the power I had let it have over me, scared of all the things it could do. I didn't know what is was going to say next but I'd die if I ever forgot it. "If you leave this deal you most precious will be destroyed" I knew immediately what the egg was talking about and I knew that I couldn't let it happen. I remember when I was asked to choose it or the thing that mattered most. When he asked I could tell he was trying not to cry at first his voice always breaks when he's holding back tears. I wanted to say that I'd already chosen him when I gave up everything but the promise it gave me in return was a lie for my soul. I couldn't speak to say the words though. I tried screaming out to him but my mouth stayed shut. The most it allowed me to say was not to go near the egg. Of course he thought that was because I chose it over him... When in reality I didn't want him hurt. Now I am a villain to him when he tried to destroy it he was taken into the core of the monster. It went through his mind and found every single mention of me and twisted it erased it all. His memories were so far gone that I was an unforgivable heartless monster to him. All I wanted was to keep him safe and I failed now the only thing left to do is join him.

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