Another thing about L'Manberg

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Schlatt didn't think he was a terrible person,he knew he had exiled Wilbur and Tommy for his own political gain and wanted a way of a small apology.

And so on Wilbur's birthday he requested that he make a visit to Manberg his old nation.Wilbur was hesitant to go,still not trusting the man who had exiled him,but he decided that he would come and that it would be a good opportunity to let Tommy catch up with Tubbo.And he might even get the chance to talk to his son.Once Wilbur had arrived he was directed to the White House where Schlatt was waiting.

"Hello Wilbur Soot"

"Hey Schlatt"

"What,not glad to see me?"

"Says the one who kicked me out in the first place"

"Well are you coming inside or not?"


As he was lead inside Wilbur noticed Schlatt's grin and instantly regretted coming."Happy Birthday Wilbur" He stared at the little box that had been pressed into his hand,pondering if he should open it. "Oh go on and open it then it's not going to kill you."

He almost cried when he saw what was on the inside."And you can use it anytime as long as you don't stay more that 24 hours at a time." The goat man added."Just make sure that at least 48 hours pass between each visit."Wilbur stared in shock,it was a visa for him and Tommy to visit,pretty much whenever they want to as well.He was amazed that his supposed enemy would do this for him."T-thanks Schlatt." "You're welcome" Wilbur practically skipped back to Pogtopia with Tommy at his side.Schlatt had given him this visa not knowing that it would be used to its fullest potential.

Hope you enjoyed this :)

Have a nice day/night/afternoon :)

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